View Full Version : buzzy headache

01-10-08, 19:10
does anyone else get this horrible headache between your temple and behind your eye or eyes?? almost a buzzy feeling in your head as well. it really makes it hard to concentrate and makes me feel lightheaded too. everything has been checked out and no answer:unsure:
it is almost always there to some degree

01-10-08, 20:38

do you take valium or any other benzodiazipine by any chance or a beta blocker as i find a get this with these taken in combination - its a very disconcerting feeling.

01-10-08, 20:56
Dave i do take ativan... what gives you your headaches??

01-10-08, 21:33
i do suffer with headaches
i also get like a head rush throbbing feeling for a few seconds i can also feel in my upper chest
can anyome relate to this