View Full Version : night terrors

28-05-05, 10:36
hi everyone,
can anyone relate to this, sometimes when i am going off to sleep i wake suddenley hyperventilating, or get a real big sharp intake of breath it happens just as im nodding off, is this anxiety[?]
also every so often when i am in bed fast asleep ill suddenley be woken with really horrible symptoms i cant even explain them its so weird and its NOT hyperventilating, i feel really strange, i dont know whether is anxiety or not i had this sensation last night i was still half asleep when this happenend, i worried about it after it happened, so weird i thought i was going to die or someut can anyone relate to these symptoms[?]
luv sue xx
i dont feel to bad today, just worried and confused about last night:(

28-05-05, 10:38
hi Sue,

Yes, this is very normal. I also have this when getting to sleep. I will be half-asleep and suddenly jolt because of panicky thoughts. It is nothing to worry about - it's just anxiety..

Sarah :D

28-05-05, 10:52
Nothing like a panic attack at 3:30 am (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2701)
Sudden nighttime attacks (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=24)

28-05-05, 12:36
Hi Sue - I did a very similar post recently and having been reassured that all was ok it has subsided now.
Yours will too.
Love Piglet

28-05-05, 12:53
Hi Sue

I have these night terrors too and when that happen, I always think "I am dying" just like you, I also feel very strange and confused like you do, not nice huh.
I believe its anxiety related. You're certainly not alone with this, so hopefully it can reassure you a little :).
Take care.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

28-05-05, 13:23
Sue i get that most night..Also alot of night mares...I dont know if this is common? But im sure i read it some were on this site that it is...But im sure someone like meg will be able to answer you with this .. Sorry im not much help ..But as i said i get them aswell.

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

28-05-05, 13:44
Hi Sue
I get this quite often too, awful, but i try to take my mind off of it, sometimes put music on softly, of course, or tv, anything til i'm sleepy again. xxxx

28-05-05, 16:09
thanks guys,
but im not totaly reasured, as it happens when im in a deep sleep and it wakes me up,it dosent feel like panic, ive had enoph of those to know lol, it a strange sensation, and very scary and it goes as quick as it comes, do you think it could be where im not fully awake when it happens[?]
the other thing i get [on drifting off to sleep] i can understand that being panic cause i hyperventilate,so i know what that is. its all so blooming scarey
luv sue xx