View Full Version : There is something under the bed.

01-10-08, 22:52
It's 3 am in the early hours of the 1st of oct 2008. I'm exhausted and decide to head for bed. I put all the lights off and enter my bedroom and then it hits me, that overwhelming childhood fear, there's something under the bed and it's going to reach out and grab me.
I panic and jump up onto the bottom of the bed, have to get my feet off the floor can't let IT grab me. I'm in that much of a panic I can't put my mobile on the floor beside my bed incase a hand reaches out from the darkness. I can't pull the duvet round me to protect me quick enough, the boyfriend's muffled " FFS what are you doing?" don't quite qualify as the comforting words I need to hear. I hand the bf his mobile, my mobile and say I have set the alarms. He sleepily starts to set the alram on his. " For goodness sake's babes, what ya setting the alarm for? I already told you I set it."
Welcome back to adulthood.

Pooh x

01-10-08, 23:03
Wow - scary stuff. I used to get this as a kid, so your description bought all the emotions back to me.

I occassionally get a similar thing, if I'm going upstairs in a house, and the light is on on the upstairs landing, but the light is off in the downstairs landing that I am walking up from... I get really scared that someone is downstairs behind me, and that they will emerge from the darkness and grab me from behind. Totally irrational, but overpowering at the same time.

I totally sympathise with you, even if I do not suffer from the 'under the bed' fear.

Do you try to calm yourself by looking under the bed to reassure yourself that nothing is there? Or is that too scary too?

Captain America
01-10-08, 23:08
i get this too! but under the bed is MS, heart failure, MRSA, pancreatitis....

01-10-08, 23:10
LOL captain!

01-10-08, 23:27
poo poor u, i used to be the same i would jump into bed and make sure my arms and legs were not poking out ever, even worse was if it thundered i would just have my nose poking out for air hehe.

my hubby has that way with words too :) very comforting arent they xxxxx

02-10-08, 03:07
Hey Dazza,

I couldn't look under the bed if my life depended on it lol. Its an irrational fear, but in moments of exhaustion and complete darkness occasionally comes to mind generates panic and thats it....i'm 6 or 7 again for a few minutes lol
Doesnt help that my sis when we were kids crawled under my bed and grabbed me just as i was getting into bed one night. I have told her she traumatised me for life lol she can't even remember it. Typical! haha!
If it happens again tonight I'm sleeping on the couch with all the lights on lmao

Pooh x

02-10-08, 08:56
Ill admit, Im 23 and im STILL terrified of the dark. I think there's something following me.

lol your not alone....

damn childhood fears!

02-10-08, 09:26
Yes, I'm scared of the dark too - and I'm 47! Don't like being the last up to bed at night cos always think if I look back downstairs into the darkness that I'll see 'something'. And also don't like my feet hanging over the bed - just in case something grabs me!

You are not alone in your fears!

daisy x

02-10-08, 14:20
I have this fear of sleeping with my feet peeking out of the covers in case something grabs them - i have a fear of paranormal stuff

03-10-08, 20:02
Sounds familiar: the other night I was overcome but the overwhelming feeling that, wait for it, there was a crocodile at the bottom of my toilet, waiting for me to go and pee.

It sounds hilarious now, but believe me, it wasn't then. Anxiety is a funny old thing...

03-10-08, 20:17
How funny! Irrational fears we give power to.

03-10-08, 20:27
i used to get the someone behind me fear when leaving a room but i think it was brought on by the fact i like one to many scary films i got that thought from the ring movie so dont feel stupid im in my thirtys lol

03-10-08, 20:50
reminds me of the story.
a little girl wakes in the middle of the night and runs to her daddy and says "daddy a lion is under my bed". the dad replies "now you know there isnt a lion under your bed dont you? the little girl replies "yes but i THINK there is!

obviously the thinking is the problem,the best way to solve the problem may be to go to bed and say i think there may be something under the bed but i know absolutely for sure there isnt.

03-10-08, 21:47

Jings i got that all the time too when i was a kid. Then i feared the wardrobe because i just KNEW there was something in there and it was coming to get me. I used to wrap the quilt so tight around me at times that i could hardly breath, then when i got off to sleep, the nightmares would begin. Innocence is sooooo scarey!

Thanks for that
