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02-10-08, 08:40
Im having awful chest pains again!

I try and be rational and work it through in my own head, but the pains just keep happening, even when as far as i know im not even thinking about it!!!

Even if i just gently touch my chest area its soooooooooo sore, so i guess that is clearer sign as any that the pian in all muscular!
I have also been getting pains and spasms in my left arm now too!! Was very very anxious earlier on in week, stopped taking Sertraline because it sent me into a dreadful state!

Am i going mad??? Should i be concerned!!

02-10-08, 08:48
Hi Geddy, you're not going mad :).

Could you be tensing the muscles in your chest through anxiety? Have you been to the doctor about this before? I think if your chest is sore to the touch it might be a good idea to see your doctor about it. I'm sure it'll be fine, it just must be very unpleasant for you, your doctor should be able to tell you what's happening and offer you some treatment. Hope you feel better soon.

02-10-08, 11:05
hi there geddy
chest pains are my main worry too, my ecg, echo and blood tests are all normal but pains and a general feeling of tightness are still there, trying to convince myself that my symptoms are caused by tension as a result of anxiety and worry.... understand how worrying it can be its all i can think about sometimes which i am sure just makes it worse

02-10-08, 11:40
When I had all-clear from a cardiologist, next evening had a terrible night with palpitations, anxiety and fear of death worries. It just shows how difficult it is to convince yourself that you're fine and not going to die, lol.
Even today, I feel horrible tightness in my chest, palps and whatnot. But I am fine, at work, listening to music and doing some actual work. I will fight and never give up.

02-10-08, 19:40
Chest pains have been dreadful today!!

My whole chest/breast area aches, guess its all tension, esp seeing as when im busy with work etc the pain doesnt happen at all.

Also im wondering..is it indigestion, as Gaviscon seems to help ease it!!!

Help!!!!! Im really obssessing now, freaking at slighyest twinge eeeeek