View Full Version : Desperate for Comfort

02-10-08, 08:51
my spelling sucks

hey for about 3 weeks now.. i have had this little sore area inside my cheek next to my top back teeth.. it dosent even hurt its just a little bump but the area around it just looks abit weird i really dont know how to describe it.. if it was just the little lump i could easily say its just a mucocele. but the area that its in just looks different compared to the other side of my mouth. i have had it for 3 weeks and have not been able to see a doctor. i think i can see a doctor in a few days but im just so scared... im afraide it can be cancer or somthing.. i am so scared right now i cant stop shaking i havent slept in 3 days.. i dont know what to do.. please im so scared.. ive had this for 3 weeks! i thought it would be gone by now i dont drink i have smoked in the past but not for a year or 2!.. im not letting my family know how bad its bothering me because they dont understand what i go threw.. i will go see the doctor.. but i have no clue what to do untill then.. im freaking out i cant eat i cant sleep.. i dont know what to do.. cancer is my worst fear.. and this thing looks weird i have no clue what it is.. ive used mouth wash ive used salt water ive left it alone for a week.. and its still there!!!! .. im sorry for all of this.. i just dont know what else to do.. i really dont. you guys are the only ones that will understand what im going threw :weep: i wish i just new a way to calm myself down for the time being.. its in my head that i have mouth cancer and im going to die.. and im just so depressed and sad.. i dont know what to do.

02-10-08, 09:28
Hey Malv, sorry you're having a bad time at the mo... I know how you feel, constantly freaking out about moles and nodes and sometimes at nothing at all. Today I became convinced I was going to get breast cancer, I don't even have a lump - ridiculous, eh? :blush:

Our mouths are sensitive things and it's very easy to get a little injury or irritation in there. When you say it looks different, do you mean it's a different colour, or texture? Smoother or rougher than the surrounding area?

02-10-08, 09:48
there are little spots in the same area under my skin it kind of looks like liquid its all under my skin and it not bumpy or anything its smooth. i could say it looks infected.. but it dosent hurt at all.. :weep: i dont know what it is.. because i havent been able to see a doctor .. i have been googleing and i know i shouldnt.. but ive been wanting to know whats going on with me.. im scared.. (now im sure i have cancer) google didnt help very much the only thing that sounds and looks like what i have in my mouth is a Mucocele except for the weird stuff in the area of the lump.. besides that one lump i say looks like Mucocele the skin of my mouth is smooth just the area around it looks weird a i know im going to have to see a doctor .. i just dont know how to cope atm.. im sure there s somthing seriously wrong with me.. it should have been gone by now :weep:

02-10-08, 09:52
Any chance you could get an emergency dental appointment, even if you paid for it? Dentists are as well qualified to recognise problems in the mouth as doctors are, if not better. Might be worth paying if only to get some peace of mind.

02-10-08, 10:03
The liquid look you descibe doesn't sound like a tumour to me, it sounds more like a mucocele which is what I think that you think it is in the non-anxious part of your mind... I don't know much about mucolele but I don't see any reason why it shouldn't be spotty. Mouth cancer is very unusual in someone your age (I know what it says on wikipedia but it's still really rare :)). There's a scary mouth cancer anti-smoking advert running in Australia at the moment, isn't there, or has been recently? Could that be playing on your mind? If you can't get to see a doctor in the next week or so, maybe try a dentist, as mudskipper suggests? Try not to worry, I know it's really hard. It really doesn't sound like mouth cancer to me.

02-10-08, 11:05
Any chance you could get an emergency dental appointment, even if you paid for it? Dentists are as well qualified to recognise problems in the mouth as doctors are, if not better. Might be worth paying if only to get some peace of mind.

Im from America and have been living in australia for acouple of years.. my visa is almost complete.. how ever atm it costs me heaps... if i were to go to the denist this week we would not be able to aford groceries.. money is very tight atm im still paying to get stuff for imigration as well.. i would pay to see a dentist if i could but i really cant.. i just dont have the money. i have found a doctor i can see for a reasonable price.. still im worried ofcourse..

thank you all for saying somthing.. im still very panicy and tired and would really love to have someone to talk to that understands :( .. please feel free to leave me a comment .. i just really need some suport right now :weep:

02-10-08, 11:18
OK, so you're going to the docs soon. That's good as you will get some reassurance and treatment for your mouth bump (if it is a mucocele then it sounds like treatment is usually either to let it go away by itself or is otherwise quite straightforward).

Until then, try not to worry, honey. I know it's hard - I wish I could make myself not to do it! Distraction is the thing that usually works best for me - occupying my mind with something else and resisting the temptation to constantly poke at and check whichever bit of my body I'm convinced is diseased this week. Look at it this way - whatever it is, thinking about it, poking it, looking at it, fretting that it might be cancer - won't make any difference to the bump. Leave it alone until you go to the docs and think about something else. Hugs :hugs:

02-10-08, 11:25
Stop worrying, we all have lumps and bumps in our mouths one time or another but if they all turned out to be cancer, well the hospitals would be inundated with patients having treatment. It will probably turn out to be something completely harmless and you will have worried for nothing. Calm down and get some sleep the lack of that can make you feel grotty.

02-10-08, 15:40
Thank you to those who took the time to reply to this .. this isnt easy for me. thank you.:weep:

02-10-08, 15:48
Thank you to those who took the time to reply to this .. this isnt easy for me. thank you.:weep:

We know as we all have the same tiring disease.. I'm sure you can go to the walk in clinic (a&e at a hospital, speak to triage) and explain your freaking out, you will have to wait for a few hours but it's worth it, have you ever been treated for anxiety ???

Do you have medicare??? I think you are entitled, you should find out

02-10-08, 15:59
We know as we all have the same tiring disease.. I'm sure you can go to the walk in clinic (a&e at a hospital, speak to triage) and explain your freaking out, you will have to wait for a few hours but it's worth it, have you ever been treated for anxiety ???

Do you have medicare??? I think you are entitled, you should find out

i dont have medicare just yet and im not able to get it yet. i will be going to see my doctor this saturday. i already made plans for it.. im just so scared its going to be somthing serious :weep: ive been worrying about this for weeks.. im so tired i just wish it would go away.

02-10-08, 16:07
I know how you feel, just chill for a few days you will be ok.

Look even if it WAS something to be looked at more than my god I'm sure in 2008 that science can help you.....I have never known someone to have a lumpy bumby thinng in the mouth turn out to be dangerous.

If i put my thumb on the outside of my mouth and the index fiinger on the inside and I squish my cheek I can feel loose floating lumps all over the place. and I have a problem where i always bite my cheek and so I always have a raised line down the side.

If Drs visits are expensive for you then make sure you tell him everything includint the panic you have been in and the anxiety you have,,,, you may just need some anti d's, that's what i am on and i feel much better

02-10-08, 16:11
I am sure it is nothing. Try to get some sleep and take your mind off of things. You can't do anything about it at the moment. I am lucky that I do not suffer from health anxiety. It must be horrible to think the worst of every little bump, bruise, or pain. My best wishes to you.

02-10-08, 16:20
If Drs visits are expensive for you then make sure you tell him everything includint the panic you have been in and the anxiety you have,,,, you may just need some anti d's, that's what i am on and i feel much better

i have Anti D's i got from the last time i went to see a doctor.. i just didnt know if i should take them or not.. i have been thinking about it lately .. im getting tired of living like this. i just dont know to much about meds.:shrug:

02-10-08, 16:45
Hello Malv,

I know what it is like to suffer like this, and it is almost impossible to stop looking, poking and googling. It is so common to have little lumpy bits inside the mouth caused by all sorts of different things, which aren't at all serious.

Before you know it Saturday will be here and gone, and I am convinced you will have peace of mind. It would be worth having a chat to the doctor about your anxiety, because I am sure he will be able to help. This anxiety is a wretched condition, and plays all sorts of nasty tricks with our minds, and it becomes really hard to keep rational; we automatically assume the worst. Sometimes I have looked back at the things I have worried my self sick about, and can see it for what it is - awful anxiety. I know you are in the grip of it at the moment, but try really hard not to google and to leave it alone - extremely hard thing to do - but if you can break the checking cycle your anxiety level may reduce a little. Meantime you know there are plenty of people here to offer support. :hugs:

03-10-08, 06:57
How you doing now, Malv? Hope you manage to get a decent night's sleep and then off to the doc tomorrow. :winks:

03-10-08, 07:07
How you doing now, Malv? Hope you manage to get a decent night's sleep and then off to the doc tomorrow. :winks:

hey leebee :hugs: thank you so much for caring.. i did get a good nights sleep.. wich i think i needed im feeling alittle better.. still scared.. but not as bad, i guess because im not so tired well the doctors office is closed saturday it will have to be monday that i see him now.. but atleast im going! im trying not to look at it and poke at it.. im trying to leave it alone untill i see a doctor.. its kinda helping me to not worry about it as much if i dont see it

03-10-08, 07:10
That's good news :). I always find that I don't worry about things so much if I stop the checking cycle too - constant checking keeps your mind on the thing you're worried about. Hope you enjoy your weekend, good luck at the doc's on Monday.

03-10-08, 09:21
What kind of anti d's were you given ?

I take aropax (paroxetine) paxil, seroxat, they are all the trade names

03-10-08, 10:37
What kind of anti d's were you given ?

I take aropax (paroxetine) paxil, seroxat, they are all the trade names

my doctor gave me Lexapro 10mg

i started thinking about taking it when he gave it to me but didnt make up my mind lol.. im still not sure.. not to sure what to expect or what its going to do :huh: i still have the tablets but i havent touched them

03-10-08, 13:40
You should take then as you Dr directed, relax you have some symptoms for the first few weeks but anxiety symptoms are worse anyway.

Your wife will be there to support and keep an eye on you and after 4 weeks you will start to feel better.

Now sometimes you need to try a diff type of anti d, so don't give up if these are not the ones for you ok!!


Take the meds with you on sat and speak to your Dr

05-10-08, 12:56
Just Venting

ok im going to go crazy!

i was ment to go to the doctor on monday but my son got sick.. i had to spend the money i saved on somthing else.. i was very worried about him and im glad he's doing better.. now that i know he is better and everything is good! this thing in my mouth is driving me insane... omg!! i dont know what to do i cant aford to even see a doctor and when i save the money somthing else comes up.. im sorry if that sounds bad.. or greedy.. im glad my son is well and now that i know he is fine im starting to focus on this thing in my mouth again!! i feel like breaking down and crying this is driving me insane i dont know whats wrong with my mouth.. its still red in that area and dosent even hurt!! i cant see a doctor i have no money i dont know what to do.. im sorry to say all of this on here but there is noone else that understand.. im scared and now angry i want to be able to relax or even if there is somthing wrong i want to know it can be cured! ive looked at everything.. and i have no idea what it could be!! it looks like nothing that was described on any website. forgive my rambleing .. im just scared and have been deprived of comfort from this problem.. im trying to do everything i can to see a doctor but im just in a very tight situation at the moment. :weep: like i said im just venting.. because i really dont know what else to do..

05-10-08, 13:24
hiya u you can go hospital like joyce says and get them to look at it, tell them your situation and they have dentist people there. hugs xxxxx

05-10-08, 13:29
hiya sorry i posted same time as u i think, i think u should try and tell someone close to u like your partner or family or friends, cos sometimes just talking about it can have a huge calming response and also u will have proper support, i know its hard but u will feel better.

u need to distract your self from this also, i sufferend health anxiety bad for a while and only way for me was to keep busy not think about it and not google etc.

this does definately sound normal to me and nothing serious at all, i have had these bumps before and one that wouldnt go away and it was on my gum i was panicking and finally went hospital a&e and was told not to worry.

eventually dentist said it was just infection, it did go away.
hugs xx

05-10-08, 15:55
i just cant stop thinking its going to be something serious.. i can just see it now the doctor saying oh wow we better run some tests!! and then the next thing i know im dieing!:weep:

05-10-08, 21:51
Hi Malv,

Sorry to hear you are suffering so much with this anxiety, and that you are unable to get some relief by getting it checked out by the doctor. I do understand how you must be feeling.

From what you have described, I agree with Donna, it doesn't sound serious - in fact I am absolutely certain it isn't because I have had lumpy, bumpy patches inside my mouth which have come and gone. When you think about it the mouth is vulnerable to all sorts of little traumas. Even when brushing your teeth the toothbrush can catch on the inside of the mouth, especially on the area you describe.

Because the mouth is sensitive any little sore area becomes very noticeable, and it is extremely difficult to ignore. Please try really hard not to poke around this area, because you will delay the healing period, which will heighten your anxiety. Try swishing some warm salty water around the area several times a day, this can sometimes help with little sore areas in the mouth. It is difficult to find words which will comfort you, but I am certain you don't have anything to worry about, and nothing terrible is going to happen to you.:hugs: