View Full Version : hmmmm.....

02-10-08, 09:01
i have no idea whats going on here

My dr has told me i am suffering with anxiety and depression

i somewhat dont believe her now, i never have

It all started on September 13th....i woke up in the middle of the night hot and sweaty after a bad dream, my heart started to race , on that day, i saw somebody i was quite keen on back with his girlfriend, and my stomach had never hurt so much, i just told myself to carry on with my life, and it wouldnt hurt anymore (we got a bit too involved please dont judge me lol )

every night for a week i was like this, wasnt sleeping, stopped eating, and ive lost weight (around 8lb) breathing was funny etc

Now...2nd October and im STILL like this, accept im not sleeping, feel like i can hardly breathe,and i dont feel like i cant hear properly

I've got 10000 thoughts going through my head, what if this, what if that, main one being loosing my job, loosing my boyfriend, getting into debt and dying.

I feel numb

I keep checking my heart rate and my pulse and my breathing and i feel mad for doing that but its the only thing that gets me through each minute of every day

I just feel horrible, i also feel not real, when i go out i feel like im lookin in on everybody elses lives and mine doesnt exist anymore, i keep saying things to my boyfriend like your so lucky you can breathe, your so lucky you can go out and have a full time job

Im also worrying im not getting enough oxygen round to my major organs or something

i know i sound daft but i just needed to get this out :unsure:

02-10-08, 09:45
Hi charlotte-louise, everything that you've described sounds like anxiety. It's obviously affecting your whole life at the moment. I'd advise that you go back to your doctor and ask for some advice on treatment for your anxiety - he/she should be able to offer you something to help you calm down and feel more in control, whether it's CBT, medication, or even just some good advice and support for now. In the meantime it might help to accept that it is anxiety that is creating your symptoms, and causing some of the spiralling negative thoughts you're having. Others might be able to advise on reading, or other action that will help? You will get through this, it will get better. :flowers: