View Full Version : just had doc on the fone!!

02-10-08, 11:21
i just had my doc on the fone to see if i had started the medication he had prescribed (librium) i havent i read the leaflet an the side effects are terrible i told him i was too scared and his attitude totally changed he said well i have referred you to mental health team there is nothing more i can do an that was it bye i have come off fone an now feel like crying if my doc is not interested in helping me who is??
sorry for the rant but im really upset now:weep:

lee xx

02-10-08, 11:28
AWW hun... i know exatly wht you mean about the side affects lol i did the same..but if you feel you can do wit out hun then good for you...we are all here for you hun....message me if u need a chat....or come into chat lol.... take care... xxx:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

02-10-08, 11:41

That wasn't very nice of your doc hun, he should have been a bit more understanding. Tut! :lac:


Eva May
02-10-08, 11:42
Hi Lee. That's horrible, I'm sorry to hear he treated you like that. I had a psychiatrist be extremely dismissive with me to my face once and I hadn't the confidence then to call him on it but I did complain after and got an apology. There is nothing as unprofessional as losing patience with someone like that. Can u get a different doc, someone who is more understanding about how this works for us? I would have been the same about taking the meds after reading the label so I just don't read the labels anymore

02-10-08, 11:46
Oh hun i am sorry you are upset..why oh why do we read the leaflets..but we do dont we..then we get panicked and assume it is the meds when it is us:lac: It would be good if you could give your meds a go hun..could you try do you think??:yesyes:
As for your dr..well mine has always been the same ..unless they are specially trained in this area or have suffered them selves ..they dont seem to have a clue do they..well us lot on here understand so take comfort in that!:bighug1: Here is a big hug for you.Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxx

02-10-08, 11:51
hi eva well i cant go in to the surgery last time i was in a had a massive pa in his room so he had said take these meds go home and i will fone you that was two weeks ago and he just foned this morning to say that to me i cant not read them my ocd is so bad it is everything that goes in my mouth food and drink i have to read labels on everything that goes in my mouth an its only things like custard an soup things that cant stick in my throat so once i read that label i felt ill at the thought of taking it i really believe now im a hopeless case :weep:

lee xx

Cathy V
02-10-08, 12:02
Lee, yes that was very insentivie of the doc. When you say he has referred you to the mental health team, does this mean for counselling? because that might be better for you than taking the meds if you're too scared to take them. Thats the thing about meds, they all have the potential to be, i wouldnt say harmful, but addictive, even painkillers can become addictive if people rely on them for too long. And on the subject of side effects, even paracetamol carries a warning and have potential side effects.

It depends on how bad your anx is, and how much of a rest your body needs. In the short term (couple of months max) these meds are really helpful. Librium is a tranquiliser so will only make you feel relaxed and maybe a bit sleepy, so dont confuse these with meds for depression, these are completely different, and can take weeks before people with depression feel any benefits, and in the time they are waiting some people can feel worse before they feel better, but these work in a different way from benzos (librium etc)

The danger in tranquilsers is not in the pill itself, but in the length of time you take them as your body will get used to the dose and some people have to take more and more to get the same effect. This doesnt happen to everybody but it can.

Have you thought about herbals? these are becoming more and more popular for anxiety, without the side effects.

Sorry if weve had this conversation before...you do tend to lose track on here sometimes :D

Cathy xxx

02-10-08, 12:12
thanks paddington and cathy im not sure what the mental health team are going to do i just feel as if he had said to me well this is the only option what if it doesnt work?? i haavent tried herbal do you know of anything herbal that could work(a miracle cure):blush: its what im looking for i think i cant even take a paracetamol i had posted a thread couple of weeks ago when i was given prescription asking if anyone had experience of librium thats prob how u remember cathy anyways thanks for your replys

lee xxx

Cathy V
02-10-08, 12:23
Yes, again people have different experiences with herbals, and what works for some doesnt for others. Some people swear by Rescue Remedy but others say it doesnt do anything for them. There are loads in the chemists so take a look and try some of them coz they wont harm you atall so try as many as you like. One that keeps cropping up on here and seems to help loads of people with anxiety is called 5htp, but i dont know how to set up the link to it...try the search section on the top bar. Ive never tried it myself but people say its very very good.

Cathy xxx :)

02-10-08, 12:25
ahh ive heard of rescue remedy but never tried it i will go have a wee look at the 5htp an see what it says its got to be worth a go

lee xxx