View Full Version : hello i'm a new one

02-10-08, 11:58
hi everyone,

recently suffered two horrific panic attacks whilst on holiday in kenya, was just sitting in cafe having a bite to eat when i began to sense a feeling of dread and noticed my heart pounding wildly, i got up to go to my room but my legs were like jelly, my breathing started to speed and a tingling sensation spread up my legs and arms, my hands stiffened and went into a sort of spasm, by this time i was terrified other holiday makers were crowded round me i asked them to take my children away as i didn't want them to watch me die ( which i was convinced of ) i begged my partner to call for an ambulance, thankfully a nurse was staying at the hotel she took control got a sunbed for me to lie on and gave me a paper bag to breathe into and asked me to focus on breathing slowly, my symptoms eased immediatly when i was given something to concentrate on, the ambulance arrived 45 mins later and i spent the night in hospital... diagnosis panic attack. Didn't understand this as i'd be relaxed just before the attack however looking back i did have previous health worries ( recently found lump in my breast but was given the all clear ) and my partner had suffered a heart attack 4 months before. Have had 2 more major panic attacks since returning from kenya, have been prescribed propranolol and diazapam which have helped, my only sypmtoms now seem to be daily lightheadedness and chest discomfort, is this anxiety or can a bad panic attack alter the way your heart works? :wacko:

02-10-08, 13:19
WELCOME to nmp hun...i too suffer from panic attacks awful things..i think your other symptoms now are down to just anxiety hun.feel free to message me if u need to talk...take care...xxx:bighug1: :welcome:

02-10-08, 13:56
Hi there and welcome to NMP

Pooh x

02-10-08, 14:02
:yahoo: :yahoo: Welcome Cuddlemonster :yahoo: :yahoo:

02-10-08, 15:56
Welcome to NMP!

You will find lots of useful info, advice and support here.

your experience sounds horrific...I have had frequent attacks that feel like heart attacks, so I know how terrified that you must have felt.

Veronica H
02-10-08, 16:08
Welcome cuddlemonster
:bighug1: In answer to your questions - No the panic attacks cannot damage your heart, and what you have been through recently is enough to have caused the lot. You will find loads of helpful advice along the side of this page. There is also a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'Self help for your nerves' published by Thorsons ISBN 978-0-7225-3155-6. This is avalable from the NMP Shop. I cannot recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover. Her recordings can be downloaded to your MP3 from NMP too. Glad that you have found us.


milly jones
02-10-08, 16:13
welcome to our nmp family

love milly xxx

02-10-08, 16:25
I know what you mean about how that feeling of dread starting slowly and then becoming all consuming. It is so erratic and unpredictable. I can be sitting at my desk at work and it comes out of nowhere. My heart will beat wildly and I get shaky. My meds seem to help tremendously, but there are still the occasional unexpected panic attacks. I wish you the best.

02-10-08, 16:29

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


02-10-08, 17:17
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its great to have you here.

03-10-08, 13:19
hi Dazza,
Thankyou for your reply, everyone is so lovely here..... During my fuzzy/lightheadedness and chest tightness episodes i've been applying muscle rub to my chest area ( you know the stuff that heats up) the heat is soothing and the menthol smell clears my head, a brilliant tip i read on here from another member..... wanted to add a big smilely but not to sure how to do that yet xxxxx

03-10-08, 13:23
just wanted to say thankyou to everyone for the welcome messages... this site is brilliant! xxxxx

03-10-08, 13:28
Hi cuddlemonster,

thanks for the tip about he muscle rub.

Tip for you now... to add a smiley, instead of replying by typing in the 'quick reply' box at the bottom of this forum thread, click on the 'post reply' button which is just above the 'quick reply' box... then you can change colours, add smileys etc!

03-10-08, 22:17
Hi! You have chest discomfort after having panic attacks because the muscles in your chest along with the rest body tighten up. Panic attacks make you dizzy, also. My mother and I both suffer from them. Sometimes you see them coming and sometimes you don't. We are blessed to have a doctor and a pastor who both understand them and counsel us. We both are medication, though not the same thing. Donna

03-10-08, 22:40
Thanks Dazza!....... :yesyes:

03-10-08, 22:52
Hi Donna, It's just SO difficult to accept that the chest pains/dizziness are just symptoms of anxiety and not something more sinister, the feelings are so uncomfortable, hard to get my head around the fact that it's my mind causing these physical symptoms, you're lucky to have an understanding doctor, all the best to you and your mother x

03-10-08, 23:53
In case I forgot to say so: