View Full Version : pms and bloating question

02-10-08, 11:59
I am due my period , well anytime now really, i have been feeling the cramps and since the evening before yesterday i have been feeling soooo bloated, from right under the ribs all the way down,and it doesn't go even when i wake up in the morning. I am so full of wind and it's coming out both ends:blush:. The belching is worse, and the bloatedness in the upper region is what is making it harder, cause i feel like it is affecting my breathing by pressing the diaphragm, like after u've stuffed yourself with food. But for me it's more like someone has inflated me all the way like a baloon lol I am also constipated. I sometimes get constipated and bloated before period but it's not always, sometimes i have spots and other times not, it's like it's different every time. But it is bad every time.
I guess why i wrote is because i get scared when i feel the bloating is affecting my breathing and i am so trying to convince myself it may be uncomfortable but i am still breathing fine. Anyone had the same experience?
I soo hope this is pms and once the period starts it will all get better...

03-10-08, 12:39
Thanks to everyone who read my post, i didn't have any replies, but i guess few people at least read it...It kind of feels now like i am the only one...:unsure::weep:

I haven't even gotten my period yet and i feel completely terrible already, the bloating and the wind is still here, i feel nauseous, and the cramps are bad, and i also feel all lightheaded and floaty...And depressed and scared...Why does it have to be like this, why?? I was just thinking before how it's weird this month i have this terrible bloating worse than last, but got no spots, and now i do have couple of terribly painful spots as well!! That's just to top it up i guess.:mad:

03-10-08, 13:02
hiya milla

i to get the same way when i am due a monthly ,i get it about 10 days before and it makes me feel so full and uncomfortable,please try not to worry it is just somthing that comes with your periods i bet most ladys get it every month
the breathing thing is also somthing i get with it but it will pass hun


jodie xx

03-10-08, 13:16
Thank you so much!!!! Reply means so much to me right now.

03-10-08, 19:13
I am so greateful to Jodie for the reply...i hope i will get maybe just a few more replies...
i have been crying my eyes out because of this, i don't understand why i feel so scared and depressed about the bloating, i am so fed up with myself, i think its because the pms and period makes the anxiety and depression so much worse for me, and this seems so much worse than it probably is...but it is getting me so down right now. It's the problems i had with my stomach some months ago for a very long time that i remember and i fear this is not just pms and it won't go away when the period finally comes...so please please if anyone who experienced this with pms does read my post, please reply to me... :-(
Thank you....

03-10-08, 20:06
Hi Millie
I hope you're feeling better since your last post. Periods are a nightmare, mine are very irregular and the pre-period symptoms can go on for weeks. Hormones are affected by everything from stress to diet to sleep, so periods do vary from month to month. I get so bloated it feels like there's a beach ball in my stomach. I try to eat a very high fibre diet - lots of fruit, veg and whole grains as this will help with the constipation and then the wind/bloating should ease. Have you tried taking something like Deflatine or Motilium 10 (ask at your chemist) It's good for moving the wind along. Avoid any fizzy drinks or coffee/tea as these mess with the digestion. Another good thing to do is fast walking, even if you really don't feel like doing this, have a go - it aids the digestion and relaxes the tummy muscles.
There's a lot of info on the internet about natural ways to ease pms, diet is a big part, but also taking B Vitamins, especially B6 is supposed to help calm the nerves around this time.
Remember to keep reminding yourself that horrible as the symptoms are, it is your period causing it, and they're likely to disappear when you come on. Unfortunately worrying about is likely to delay your period, so try to relax in the meantime; pamper yourself a bit with a bath and whatever you like to do - a film, book, chat with a friend.
Hope you feel better soon Millie X

03-10-08, 20:09
Hi Millie,
Please don't cry sweetie. Us women were cursed with the periods and every thing that goes along with it. Constipation can cause bloating and cramps along with the period. A hot bath can help or a mild laxative. I always experienced heightened panic and anxiety right before and during my period. You are not alone!!

04-10-08, 19:54
Thank you all so much... xx