View Full Version : Back from hospital

02-10-08, 12:02
Hey people,

I been allowed home after 2 days in emergency medical room, I was indeed vomiting blood and I had an X-ray and Esoscopy (dont know how its spelt) and biopsy. The reason for my vomiting of blood was that I had a tear in my blood vessel in the esophagus due to the constant vomiting. Doctors are now keeping a close eye on me. I've been given medication for my stomach acids and I've had a blood transfusion. I feel better although I still keep wanting to be sick from time to time but the medication I've been given is stopping me from vomiting.

Hopefully now my problem goes away and I become who I was 2 years ago.

02-10-08, 12:14
hiya haley, we all was worried about you on here hunny, im glad the hospital sorted you out and that you are ok, wot a worry for u though.

i think u should get some good counselling matey, go to docs and find out and demand it, cos u r entitled to it and concentrate on getting yourself better now, im sure your gran must be worried sick for you too.

you have been through alot and at 16 you do have a whole life ahead of you, i couldnt begin to understand wot u went through but i know u can get through it.

we are all here to support you. hugs xxxx

02-10-08, 12:17
thank you very much for the kindess and generosity and I'm happy you had the time to reply to my thread.

Thank you. xxxxxxx

02-10-08, 12:23
aww no need to thank me hun, im just glad you ok and at home now.

02-10-08, 12:30

So glad you are on the mend huni!!

Love Lisa
xxx :flowers:

02-10-08, 13:07
aww hun..was wondering why you wasn't on msn lol...this may sound awful but i think this was the push you needed to get yourself back on the mend because the other day when i was speaking to you, you were just sooo low huni...glad your on the mend...get well soon...mwah...xxx

02-10-08, 14:21
Hi Hayley,

Glad you are back home - terrible ordeal for you - thank goodness the doctors are keeping a close eye on you - they will be able help you with your problems in so many ways. Do take care and get better soon.
Rosie x x

02-10-08, 15:37
Hey people,

I been allowed home after 2 days in emergency medical room, I was indeed vomiting blood and I had an X-ray and Esoscopy (dont know how its spelt) and biopsy. The reason for my vomiting of blood was that I had a tear in my blood vessel in the esophagus due to the constant vomiting. Doctors are now keeping a close eye on me. I've been given medication for my stomach acids and I've had a blood transfusion. I feel better although I still keep wanting to be sick from time to time but the medication I've been given is stopping me from vomiting.

Hopefully now my problem goes away and I become who I was 2 years ago.

I am glad you have got this sorted out and now you can stop worrying. What medication are you on for your stomach?

02-10-08, 15:56
Glad you sought medical advice, and are being treated.
It's a relief to know you are feeling better.

02-10-08, 15:59
Thank you everyone for the lovely comments. xxxxxxx

To Trixie, they have gave me antacids.

02-10-08, 16:06
You're not anorexic are you? I am glad you are feeling better.
God Bless.

02-10-08, 17:50
Thank you everyone for the lovely comments. xxxxxxx

To Trixie, they have gave me antacids.

I have to take Lansoprazole for my stomach. It is very good if I don't take it I have too much acid in my stomach hanging around looking for something to digest. My mother had a ulcer which perforated causing peritonitis and my daughter has a similar problem so I think it must be hereditary.:ohmy:

I hope your stomach will be feeling better soon.:flowers:

Tina A
02-10-08, 20:37
Hi Hayley,

Glad to see you back and hope you are on the mend now. All the best for a speedy recovery, and here's hoping an end to your anxiety too, now that you know what is wrong!

Take Care, Txx

02-10-08, 21:03
We're so relieved to hear from you Hayley, and very glad that you sought medical help. Really hope the docs can ease your stomach discomfort and do whatever is necessary to stop the constant vomiting. Here's to a speedy recovery :flowers: .