View Full Version : Advertisements

02-10-08, 12:07
I hate advertisements. If I switch on the TV to watch a Discovery channel, you can bet it's in the middle of a advertisement break. Twenty minutes of a hour long program is devoted to adverts. Usually I get sick of it and just switch of the TV. To me, It's just plain brain washing repeating all these adds. Now they are going to adopt another advertising gimmick. It's called overlaying. So when you watch an old John Wayne film where there's a clear sky, your going to see an advert on it. http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article4856354.ece (http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article4856354.ece)
All these things cause us stress whether you realise it or not.


02-10-08, 12:28
Hi Tom

I'm the same, you just get really interested in a programme and they stick on a blooming ad about what toothpaste they think is best, what loo roll is softer on your bum and what sicks your false teeth in better!!
I'm like- DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A DAMN!! Lol BAN the ads!!

Love Lisa