View Full Version : Hello

02-10-08, 13:34
Hello to everyone.
I'm not quite sure how I've stumbled upon this forum. I'm not one to share my feelings really. I guess I just do my panic quietly so I haven't really met others who have same problems. I can't even remember when it all started. I take propanolol daily which helps a great deal. That's about all I can share at the moment. I hope to become more confident with the forum as time goes on.
I will just sit quietly if that's ok?
Thanks x

02-10-08, 13:37
Hi Newton

A big:welcome: to NMP, you can sit as quietly as you like:) you will soon become confident about posting, and you will come across lots of people with the same problem as yourself.
If you ask for advice there will be plenty of people to give you some, and you may even answer a few yourself.
once again welcome:)

02-10-08, 13:54
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

02-10-08, 14:03
:yahoo: :yahoo: Welcome Newton :yahoo: :yahoo:

02-10-08, 15:58
Hi Newton,

Yep, no worries..take the time that you need. Read the forums etc, and I'm sure that will give you the confidence to post things...everyone on here is really friendly and supportive.

Welcome to the NMP family! :hugs:

Veronica H
02-10-08, 15:58
:welcome: Newton. Glad you have found us.


milly jones
02-10-08, 16:11
welcome to our nmp family

love milly xxx

02-10-08, 16:14
Welcome Newton. I just stumbled on this site one day, too. That was over two years ago. The people here are great and you will find support and friendship.

02-10-08, 16:31
Hi Newton

Welcome to the site glad you found us.

Take care


02-10-08, 17:16
Hiya Newton :welcome: to NMP its great to have you here.

02-10-08, 19:10
thanks everyone,
I'm reluctant to post my problems just incase anyone will identify me from the details. I guess I should be in the phobia section! I spend the whole of my life trying to put on a brave face so people will not think I'm stupid. I'm very good at hiding my anxiety problem. If asked to describe me, people would say I'm super confident. I don't show the real me.
I'm sure I will get a lot out if this forum. I've already picked up a tip. Keep my tongue off the roof of my mouth. This is great for my choking sensation.
Thanks again

Newton x