View Full Version : still scared

28-05-05, 17:19
hi all again,
sorry i didnt reply on the thread of my last post, but i need to know something, ive just read some posts on night attacks and the people who have them wake up in a panic, but that didnt happen to me, i wasnt breathing fast, just had a strange feeling over my body, i didnt have a racing heart, churney tummy,sweaty palms,just this horrable strange feeling come over me which woke me up,i was firm asleep, it seemed to affect me all over, ive had this feeling before, but it was quite bad last night,i was wondering if any one thinks it could be the anxiety coming out ,if you see what i mean, also can anyone relate[?]
luv sue

28-05-05, 18:49
Hi Sue
It's me again!
Recently my nights have been bad too, don't quite know how to describe them, but i am asleep and then for no apparent reason, i jolt and wake terrified. how can this happen when i'm minding my own business trying to sleep? All this anxiety is so scary and hard work! I think, maybe when things are playing on our minds, it must all be in the subconcious? I know my advice hardly makes sense, but, mate, you are definately not alone in any of this. xxxxxxx

28-05-05, 19:08
I've had the same thing Sue - it's definitely just the anxiety!! :D

28-05-05, 19:29
Dear Sue, i have had a whole body strange feeling, like cold and a bit painful, hard to describe, sometimes it feels as if my body isnt joined, so its like in tops of legs but not shins but then in feet, its all weird and I am convinced its anxiety,so convinced it doesnt bother me, I do wake up with panics as well, hope you find the advice you want, take care, love Alexis

28-05-05, 20:11
I also have this too Sue and it is due to anxiety. Accepting that it is anxiety and therefore being able to ignore it takes away the power it has to make you feel so bad.

This isn't easy to do I know, but you can do it. Hopefully knowing other people have similar experiences will help to reassure you a little about this.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

28-05-05, 22:48
I have this too, very scary, but hey, I am here to tell the story so I guess it can't really harm us.

Take care.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

29-05-05, 12:43
thanks guys,
i feel a bit reasured now, its blooming awfall aint it
luv sue xx

29-05-05, 13:16
It is awful indeed, but just think "I am not alone with this" and "I can go thru this, just like I ve been thru it before". It can help.

Take care.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

30-05-05, 02:26

It is anxiety and i know how it feels hun.

It will pass and in time ou will handle how you feel trust me.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.