View Full Version : dvt

02-10-08, 14:25
Hi Everyone

I was a passenger in a car for 8 hours yesterday and now im worried ive got a dvt as my leg is a bit sore

02-10-08, 14:53
HEY HUN!! i dont really know what a dvt is hun but i doubt you will have one...im a passenger in the car all the time...we do deliveing a the eekends so im a passenger for about 6-7 hours hun...i wouldnt worry about it...if it carrys on go to your GP.....good luck hun..xxx:bighug1: :bighug1:

02-10-08, 15:57
Dear Bab
I think if you get a dvt that the pain is really bad so please dont worry if your leg only hurts a bit, it is probably due to tension in a leg muscle after sitting for so long. When I go on a long car journey, the next day my legs and back hurt because I am so tense when I'm a passenger, were you aware that you were tense? Take some pain killers and see if it eases it. Love n hugs. Di x

02-10-08, 16:11
A dvt would cause large swelling & heat & redness of the swollen area.
Dont worry hun x

02-10-08, 16:15
I am sure that you are fine. Walk today and exercise those leg muscles. Stop worrying!

02-10-08, 18:05
thanks so much everyone xx