View Full Version : advice please

02-10-08, 14:38
helloo everyone i just need to no if any body out there gets this feeling that i get here goes i get the feeling that i feel weak down my left side it sort of feels like one side of my body is,nt in line with the right side thats the only way i can explain it anyone else have this thanks lin x

02-10-08, 16:36
Is this weakness like a numbness or aching? If so, I get this, on my left side normally.

I was in A&E recently... as the whole of my left arm went dead / numb... I've got an irregulary heart beat, so they did the usual tests etc.. all were fine...then while I was in A&E, as well as my whole left arm, my left leg and then the left hand side of my face went numb and tingly.. i thought I was having a stroke!!

The doctor assured me, that it was all due to panic!!!

03-10-08, 00:01
hello daren thanks for your reply this feeling i get is sort of like a tingly weak feeling its quite hard to explain it well its like i said i think when pa come out of nowhere they tend to scare us more at the time i just no i was like thought i was having a stroke my dr told me if i was having a sroke i would,nt get any warning it would just happen its not so easy to think like that when its happening.anyway thanks again take care lin x

03-10-08, 00:09
No advice, sorry. But I do want to wish you well! Welcome to a wonderful place full of encouragement and support.