View Full Version : pain in head

02-10-08, 14:54
hey, i'm getting this weird pain in my forehead and i'm terrified its a tumour or anurysm. i'm starting to have a panic attack:mad:
please please reply
many thanks
louise XX

02-10-08, 15:00
Hey Louise,
Dont panic chuck, it is most probably just a tension headache, why dont you try to relax, take a paracetomal. I have headaches every day and they are mainly shooting pains. I normaly check how tense im holding myself, and 9 times out of 10 my shoulders are lifted right into my ears !
It really wont be what you think it is, but can understand your worrying. Try and relax a little, take your mind off it for a while, try a nice hot bubble bath or something, and play some nice chilling music.
Hope you feel better soon, pm me if you get worried chick.

Tale care

02-10-08, 15:34
hey, i'm getting this weird pain in my forehead and i'm terrified its a tumour or anurysm. i'm starting to have a panic attack:mad:
please please reply
many thanks
louise XX

It is not a tumour or an aneurysm so stop worrying. I have a brain tumour and i get some mild headache fortunately I don't suffer from HA so I don't worry about them. Be calm.

02-10-08, 16:15
Hi lou

Honey i can so relate to your anxiety. I get pains in my head all the time & all my HA is directed to my head so its hard. I think the pains are because your neck & shoulder muscles are so tensed all the time causing the nerve endings and scalp muscles to restrict & pinch on nerve hence the pain.

Still doesn't stop you worrying though eh?

Take ibuprofen hun xxx

02-10-08, 16:56
I agree its probably tension. I get that when I am tense. Or it could be a sinus headache. Try and antihistamine with Ibuprofen.