View Full Version : How much more ?????

jacqui doll
02-10-08, 15:40
Had therophy CBT today, my mental health social worker is refering me back to phys, as my 'mood' is very low and thinks my care plan needs readjusted...... My aniexty seems to be under control with new meds but my depression seems to be gettin worst.....

I feel oddly strange( quite relaxed) and get so frustrated with myself that i am back to self harming.......(big step backwards). if that makes since....

Hubby went back to work on monday after takin 6 weeks off to look after me and kidz and i feel soooooo tired and find it really hard to movtative myself, feel like a bad mother, bad wife, bad person because i have this depression and GAD.

I feel gulity that i can't go back to work, i can walk, i can talk but i can't work....
Does anybody feel guilty about not being able to work....... i think it is because i look ok then i'm ok...........??????:mad:

Everytime i see a light at the end of a tunnel........ the train comes barging to me and then I'm back to square one....

Sorry for rambling on, needed to get some things out of my mind.... probably don't make sense as they don't to me...


02-10-08, 15:47
aww hun i doubt very much that you are a bad person.mother.wife...
you cant help the way you feel hun....
anxiety does tend to go away for a while then come back with a vengance hun..its awful i know but im sure you can beat this...here for a chat if you need to...xx:bighug1:

02-10-08, 16:29
Maybe the meds you are on are not right for you. They should be treating the anxiety and the depression. It is a good idea to see the phys again.
Hope you feel better soon. Don't be so down on yourself.