View Full Version : panic cycle

02-10-08, 15:43
So....I've been stuck in what I would consider a panic cycle for over a week now. It came out of nowhere and won't go away. This happened to me once before 2 years ago and lasted 2 weeks. There are no full blown attacks (I know what those feel like), it's just this constant state of fear and dread. I just don't feel like myself. Anyone had this before? Just trying to understand.

02-10-08, 15:57
YER the thoughts and stuff are down to anxiety hunni...it wil go...try to relax (hard to do i know)lol....here if u need a chat...take care....xx:bighug1:

02-10-08, 16:00
I had this and it went on for weeks...it's so draining... all i can say is try to relax, do some exercise... I know it's really tough. you will get through it!!

02-10-08, 16:04
I have had anxiety and panic come up from nowhere and last a week or two. I usually end up very depressed. Somehow it all lifts eventually and I am back on track. It is disturbing to say the least.
God Bless,

02-10-08, 16:43
Thanks for sharing! If you wouldn't mind, would you tell me a little bit more about your experience/symptoms with the long lasting panic? It's so comforting for me to hear that others have gone through it. My therapist said she's never worked with someone that has had these extended periods of panic and that made me feel like something even more was wrong with me!

02-10-08, 17:40
Hiya Girdy,
I suffered anxiety for about 18 months, then i had a good few months break , i basicaly learned how to relax every day with relaxation on my Mp3, it was tough going to m,aster it, but was so worth it when i did, this is what started my recovery, it gave my mind and body time to just shut off from everything and rested. Then i learnt all i could about anxiety, read loads and loads till i knew it so well, then the hard work was to get on with the knowledge and learn not to fear it anymore.
But, about 4 wks ago, after a lovely long break from it, it came back, just like that. I had forgotten what my tools were at the first attack, so i just read up on it again, to refresh my memory and started relaxation again, and back ontop of it again.
I think my problem was, that i thought i had cured it, now i can tell when im becoming anxious, the cycle ect, and i just try to nip it in the bud, before it gets out of hand again.
I think for me, if i know whats happening then it takes half of the fear out of it.
Hope you feel better soon, if you need a chat you can pm me if you like.
Take care :yesyes: