View Full Version : weird eyesight

02-10-08, 19:03
Anyone ever had this one, when people mention visual disturbs etc they seem to mention blurred vision, double vision or floaters etc.
Today coming out of work I was stood at the bus stop and my vision seemed really strange like I couldn't focus on the people around me it was as though as was looking straight ahead but I could almost see sort of two of everyone not classic double vision but as though my eyesight was sort of heightended I could see car regs and words on road signs ok and nothing close to me was double or owt like that but I just felt really really weird, started to feel a bit anxious but never went into a full panic attack just sort of got stuck half way I sort of half heartedly got the horror thoughts but these just sort of vanished, I have come in cooked the tea done the dishes etc but just feel dead uneasy (not in the usual sort of hysterical panic that would have normally occurred)

If I have scared anyone I apologise but would be grateful for some sort of explanation if there is anyone out there:unsure:




02-10-08, 19:08
Only time my eyeseight heightened and so did my hearing was a side-effect from taking Mirtazapine.

Hence i stopped taking it,


02-10-08, 19:12
Thanks for the reply I am not taking any meds at the moment, so I can't say that it is a side effect.

Hope you find something that works for you.


03-10-08, 17:14
Sounds to me like you could have been suffering from low blood sugar levels how long had it been since you had eaten

03-10-08, 19:54
Hiia debbie
I get this when I'm anxious too, it's not like your vision is actually disturbed, it just feels weird, as if you can't see right. Very weird feeling.

03-10-08, 22:11
funny I had not eaten for some time, since 11am due to feeling sick and off my food, went home and went to bed after tea felt dead fluey and couldn't get to work today due to feeling flu like symptoms went out for a walk and things still appeared the same its dead scary

Thanks for the replies


03-10-08, 23:39
I haven't had any problems with vision other than an intense burning in the afternoons or right before I go to sleep. It drives me nuts.

Captain America
04-10-08, 00:58
my therapist would say that's part of anxiety because when fight or flight kicks in we're hyperaware of our surroundings as a means of keeping us safe.

i get weird eye things when walking in the aisles at the supermarket, especially the drug aisle because of all the small boxes of many colors. it starts to feel like i'm moving really quickly like on a fast people mover. then i get dizzy.

weird stuff. but yeah, anxiety can do that too. powerful little guy..

09-01-09, 18:38
i have been havings problems with my eyes since taking mirtazazpine. not sure if its coz i feel asif i never get enough sleep or a wierd side effect. can anyone shed some light

10-01-09, 14:36
Hi debbie, Ive had that sort of double vision but its not fully double vision, Its like you focus on something and it gets blurry.It could be that you havent slept enough, thats when i would get plus if you have been over doing it. I would't worry about it. If it keeps happenin i would get it checked out xxx