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View Full Version : My anxiety is like clock work

02-10-08, 21:51
Hi all,

Had managed to put this anxiety thing behind me and have been my usual self for the last 2 years but its come back in the last week or so. Compared to a lot of people on this board, mine is not as bad as most. I can still manage work etc just. This time I'm more prepared as I've been through this all before so I'm managing to keep it under control.

However I've noticed that mine seems to come on and go off like clock work. From about 11:30 until about 13:45 (yes that precise) is the worst time. Then after that I almost feel my normal self? Was thinking if it could be due to low blood sugar as I feel much better an hour after lunch? There's nothing stressfull about that time so reckon it must be something to do with my lunch sorting me out?

I'm going to start having a mid morning snack to see if that keeps it at bay. Just wondered if anyone else had similiar issues?


02-10-08, 21:56
It could be...

Or, did you have any distressing or anxiety inducing situation that happened at this time in the past, that maybe your subconscious had recorded?

02-10-08, 22:41
It could be low blood sugar. couldn't hurt to have a snack or two when the feelings come on. I tend to get anxious in the afternoons. Hope you feel better soon.

02-10-08, 23:07
It could well be low sugars, i was the same midmorning/early afternoon and i got a shaky nervy feeling , lightheaded and dizzy. I always have a banana around 10.30am and i make sure i drink loads of water and this helps. As Dazza said, it could also be an association thing - i have this if i have to return to the "scene" of a previous panic attack, i get myself into a state before i even get to the place........

See how you get on with the midmorning snack , i am sure it will help.

Best wishes
K x

03-10-08, 18:21
Well had a banana funnily enough bang on 10:30 and felt great all day! Now I know this anxiety thing is not logically so I'm sure thats not me cured 100% but it was so nice to have a day off from the anxiety monster!

Dazza, sometimes you don't notice something thats right under your nose. My anxiety started when I got labarinthitus, a virus in the inner ear that makes you dizzy. Funnily enough it struck me out of the blue but it hapended at lunch time! Sounds stupid but I never put to 2 and 2 together. Maybe that realisation helped me today aswell. Who knows.

Anyway thanks for the replies. I've also been reading Claire Weekes book from all the good feedback on this website. It really is good and made me realise I was tackling this the wrong way.

Have a good weekend folks. :yahoo: