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02-10-08, 23:18
I go by pumkin because thats what my dad use to call me. I have magor depression and anxity and bad panic attacks. When i was little it seem that I was never happy and always sad, I was married at seventeen and had my first child then my next at eighteen and my next at ninteen. For a while i thought i was happy of course I had problems with depression. by the time i was twenty five i was on meds and i know now i will never get off of them. I was in very kind of cousling and pschy care you can image. I try once to get off meds lets say I was hospital right away they told me to not get off of them. My first panic attack i though i was dying going crazy, shacky, could not breath, I drove my self to the doctor and that when they told me i had a panic attack and that i should have not drove because i could have pass out.
I have had them ever since going on three years, I can't not drive, and i quit my job because i could not handle it. My husband is supportive but not understand it fusterates him because he has to do it all. I can't drive my kids anywhere because i fear of having one and that makes me upset, because i want to do things with them.

02-10-08, 23:25
I am sorry you are feeling so down. Welcome to NMP. this place is great with supportive and encouraging people. don't be so down on yourself.

02-10-08, 23:35
Thank you Sheryl
do you have any suggestion on how to start driving again

03-10-08, 01:59
HI there and welcome along to NMP

Have a look around the forum for some help

Pooh x

Veronica H
03-10-08, 08:25
:welcome:Pumkin you will find lots of comfort and support here. Glad you have found us.


03-10-08, 09:25
Hello Pumkin ... welcome to the site

we are happy to have you between us ..

i'm sorry you wouldn't drive .. but i'm sure it's not the end .. and you can try times and times again with the company of your hubby or any relative/friend

try and drive for short times by your self .. just to be confidant and comfy with it once again ..

i wish you all the luck ..


03-10-08, 12:31

:welcome: to nmp

i hope you find some good advice and help on nmp

jodie xx

03-10-08, 12:39
Driving again should done in short distances until confidence grows in my opinion.

Same for people with social anxiety or even people afraid to go out. (im afraid to go out)

Your husband may complain about "doing it all" but hunny you gave him children and lets say your health is ok, would'nt you argue over the same things anyway? about who does the most etc?

Be easy on yourself, stay here and read success stories as well as posting like this to get info from people just like us.

Best wishes,


03-10-08, 13:26
Hi punkin,

Welcome to the site!

sorry to hear about your anxiety, depression and suffering.

You CAN get through this! Make full use of the forums, ask anything that you want, as we are here to help and support you.

03-10-08, 23:26
Thanks yall for your comments and am so glad i found support and good advice.

take care

Captain America
03-10-08, 23:33
any counselor will confirm that passing out from an anxiety attack is extremely rare. i know you've been on counseling but i think cbt would be helpful for you. it's good with teaching how to handle mini exposures as you build your confidence back.

nothing wrong with staying on meds. if they worked for me i surely would have stayed on them for as long as they worked for me.

04-10-08, 15:10
Maybe someone can give me some suggestion. Sounds weird but I also get alot of air bubbles or gas bubbles not sure which. It is so painful that it doubles me over. Can anyone help.


milly jones
06-10-08, 19:24
welcome to no more panic

good to meet you

milly xx

06-10-08, 20:32
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its great to have you here.
you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.