View Full Version : Almost there...but not quite!

28-05-05, 17:36
Hi everyone,

I haven't been posting much in the last little while because things have been improving dramatically. Update: I have kicked my sleeping pill addiction (2 weeks without taking any!!), been working part-time at my old job with no anxiety, and haven't felt any of the physical symptoms of anxiety for 3 weeks now! Plus I feel "back", like the old Lisa has returned. Its funny, my boyfriend has commented that he knows I'm back because I've started nagging him again about leaving his stuff all over the house

BUT (and there is always a but) I'm starting to get frustrated with myself because my worries about finding a new job will not go away. Met with an aquaintance who works somewhere that is hiring, and she explained the job to me (very simple and mundane) and says that the people are fantastic (something else I worry about in a new job). Sounds like the perfect thing for me at the moment, and surprisingly the pay is pretty good for a research job. But of course, right away the doubts start creeping in...yes its simple, but I could still screw it up. What if the anxiety comes back full-blown? I'm trying to work on affirmations and countering these negative thoughts, but they just won't budge. Should I just accept them as normal for starting a new job and try to ignore them? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!


28-05-05, 18:42
Hi there,
so glad things are on the up for you. The feelings you have are normal when taking on new work, keep up the affirmations and keep on with the nagging!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

28-05-05, 19:09
hi Lisa,

Well done for making so much progress!! I think you should just go for that new job - you can do it & you don't seem like the time who will let the anxiety stop them!!

Sarah :D

28-05-05, 19:24
Hi Lisa, it is great to hear you have done so well.
It is good to hear you are nagging, dont let the female species down !! lol
Anybody starting a new job is bound to be anxious, just some dont show it, you are bound to be worried but I say go for it if you can, keep us posted and good luck, x

28-05-05, 20:08
Hi Lisa

Glad you are doing so well and making such good progress. You are showing such determination to improve and push forward - well done.

I think it is natural for most people to feel a bit anxious about starting a new job, let alone when you suffer from anxiety. This sounds like a good job for you and it is a bonus that you already know someone who works there and is able to give you the lowdown on the job and people who work there.

Go for it! Instead of concentrating on what if it goes wrong and you cannot cope, think instead what if you enjoy it and it turns out to be a good job and place to work.

Good luck.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

28-05-05, 20:29
Hi Lisa,

Well done on your progress you are doing so well. Don't worry about having anxieties starting a new job its only natural. There are always ifs and buts with a new job!

Good luck with what you decide,

Take care,


29-05-05, 08:32
Hi Lisa

my hubby said that too about the nagging!! i think he loves it really!
i too think its totally normal to have those worries about a new job,everyone has them, anxiety or not.. i think you just have to keep pushing those boundaries like you have been doing so fantastically well. what is it? 'feel the fear, and do it anyway!' and remember also the anticipation of something is always worse than actually doing it.
go for it honey - you'll be fine! we're all behind you!
big hugs,