View Full Version : low blood sugar or ??

03-10-08, 01:01
ok so i am going to post this kind of again and hopefully i am wording it right- i just need to really hear from other people who might be experiencing this before i start going down the doctor path again.
idoes anyone feel just out of the blue (i do have pretty constant anxiety but fluctuates in severity) just icky like lightheaded, stomachache, weak and faint. not even when you are feeling that anxious. it will last a couple hours and just feels awful like low blood sugar or something. eating does help but it still takes a couple hours for the sick feeling to go away. i swear there is something really wrong and my body is doing something weird with glucose and insuling but my doc just looks at labs and says everything is fine. this has been happening at least once a day and after the low blood sugar feeling is over i usually have a mild migraine type headache!!

i just cannot believe anxiety would do this!!

03-10-08, 01:45
Trust me, it can. I also get the same feelings, but I am also hypoglocemic. When my blood sugar gets too low, I will get shaky and sweat and lightheaded and all that fun stuff. I know the difference between my anxiety and blood sugar though so that helps. If your doctor has tested you and says you are fine I would chalk it up to anxiety. If you are still feeling like there is something wrong, have him do a fasting blood on you. I hope this helps some. Let me know if I can help further. Take care.

Cathy V
03-10-08, 07:45
Duplicate thread...have replied to your other one..xxx :)

03-10-08, 17:01
thanks everyone and Cathy i read your reply- thanks so much. i just keep feeling like i am not wording it right. i am sure i am but honestly it is ruining my life and my family. there is nothing more it could be besides blood sugar stuff or anxiety but not sure how to make it stop. i mean i really feel like death when it happens and cannot really function because i feel like i am going to faint or throw up. then a couple hours later it will be gone and i feel pretty normal. i have a baby though and it is not like i can tell him he has to wait until mommy feels better:weep:

03-10-08, 22:07
Hi hun
I suffer from anxiety and im also a diabetic, and sometimes my low sugar attacks feel similar to anxiety/panic attacks, but i can normally tell the difference between the two. I get the..lightheadness, wobbly legs, cold-sweat, nausea, thirst etc. You mentioned your gp has tested your levels and they were normal, so i would think you should be ok.
When you have an anxiety attack you can use up quite a lot of energy, plus youve got a young baby so your bound to be working hard. I know if i dont eat enough especially if im doing housework or shopping etc, or if im going a long time between meals or snacks i can sometimes feel yuck. Maybe even if you try to make sure you have a cuppa and a few biscuits every hour or two to keep you going, you'll probably find it might help.
Hope you feel better soon.
Take care.

03-10-08, 22:17

I get exactly the same symptoms and have had bloods come back normal. Its freaky isnt it but it is the same thing that set me off feeling weak dizzy, lightheaded etc, sometimes I can get waves of exhaustion like I am totally wiped out:ohmy:

This has been scaring me stupid for the past nine months now, and sometimes I feel that I cannot carry on much longer, these blasted symptoms are what has kicked the whole anxiety/depression thing off honestly I feel that it has ruined my life, the only thing that keeps me going are my kids and you lot on here honestly you are lifesavers with your words of wisdom and encouragement.

Lots of Love


03-10-08, 23:37
Sounds like stress to me. Try relaxing and not thinking about it so much.