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03-10-08, 09:50
hi everyone.went to look at secondary school yesterday for my daughter felt quit anxious the weird thing was when i was walking around got this feeling in my head like a pushing down feelng on my head well couldnt wait to get out of thre anyone else get this.xx

03-10-08, 12:30
Hi there

Totally! I used to get this a lot - felt exactly like someone pushing down hard on my head! I got pressure feelings all over my head (and weirdly my nose sometimes too) my doc said mine were caused by scalp muscle contractions. If it's a stayer I found a hot shower helped me, or if you have a wheat bag or hot water bottle try that! Also try excercising your scalp muscles - it sounds odd but try wiggling your ears when you get it! (If there was such a catergory in the olympics I would be a gold medal winner for ear wiggling now I reckon!!!):D
All the best

03-10-08, 23:05
thanks for that how funny are you lol.so weird that feeling of pressure its like you have something sitting on your head lol mad i know.

03-10-08, 23:35
I was sitting in a training session today when I started feeling panicky. My heart started racing and I felt all shaky. This came from nowhere. I am still feeling it now, but trying hard to ignore it.

04-10-08, 18:00
yah i get a pressure feeling on my head too. sometimes its just so overwhelming i have to sit down and if i try to clean or do work... it only intesify's the feeling.