View Full Version : Would different Job Help

03-10-08, 22:43
It's been a while since I posted due to feeling well. So sorry If Iv'e been disloyal to the forum.
My anxiety is almost non existent in the morning then as the day goes on at work I feel it rising and rising and by 4pm my whole body aches and chest feels so tight.Then when I get home it all starts to subside and by bed time i feel ok,not perfect but ok. I sleep quite well and if I do wake up with some anxiety I ignore it and manage to fall back asleep. Every day is exactly the same. The weekends are good with just mild anxiety now and then.
I work in a busy laboratory which requires alot of mental work.I feel the job is the cause of all this but as I am 52 I don't think I have the confidence to move and certainly dont want to go from fryingpan to fire.
I have came a long way since a breakdown of sorts last summer and also have quit drinking since then.
The salary is average and we get by fine so its not a money thing.

I would dearly love to work in some area where I could be of help to people.Maybe in drink and drugs counceling or similar

03-10-08, 23:12
I'm only 24, but we sound much alike. I'm a chemical engineer working at a nuclear power plant. In the mornings I feel pretty good, and usually around 9-10 in the morning I start to get bad, and lots of times it's to the point I can't function. When I leave around 4pm I start to feel a little better, and usually I do better on the weekends as well. I'm not conscious of my job being extremely stressful, but I sure do feel the physical symptoms of being there. I feel like I can't even walk up a flight of stair and I'm constantly dizzy.

So long story short, yes. I think a different job would probably help you and I both. But the problem is, I can't think of any job I think I would be able to work with all the physical symptoms I'm having. I just hope that if I'm able to leave me currrent job, the ones I have now would eventually go away.

Captain America
03-10-08, 23:17
yeah i get this. i find that by taking mini time outs to do breathing exercises and get away from it all for just a few minutes at a time helps a lot. it's not that i feel stressed in my current job, but i get anxiety as the day goes on even without it being a stressful day.

i think it's because the longer we stay with the sympathetic system active, the less active our relaxation nerves are and it just starts to build. taking breaks helps me, maybe you?

03-10-08, 23:49
I feel the same way about work. But on the weekends I only suffer mild anxiety. I have a great job though and am trying to work through it.

04-10-08, 23:08
I'm releived that others have similar circumstances re work.I perticularly take on board captain americas comments.I sometimes push on through tea breaks and only take a short lunch break all in the name of loyalty to the team. We have strict deadlines to meet and I strive to be one of the top players in the team. There is no point in this if my health is suffering ,I know this but don't want to let anyone down.
When we look at the bigger picture its only a job but I see it as an achievment more than a job.
I will have to try and sort this one out especially now that the SAD is kicking in too.This brings me to another area of concern and would like to adress this in a seperate post .

04-10-08, 23:13
It's Saturday night at 11pm and I feel perfectly calm and normal so this tells me that overworking the nervous system at work must be causing the physical symptoms . Please forgive me if i seem to be diagnosing myself but that is how I see it. There must be an answer to being able to be in more control at work .The thing is I am not concious of being under preasure but I must be at some level.