View Full Version : weird thing in my mouth?

03-10-08, 22:46
I'm feeling scared.

I've got like...cuts on the inside of my mouth where my cheeks are... On both sides
I don't remember biting or anything like that.
Anyone know what it could be?


03-10-08, 22:54
hi there
i think everybody has them arnt they where your saliva comes from?not sure but dont worry i have them to.x

03-10-08, 22:55

Possibly your teeth rubbing against that area or maybe you bite the insides of your cheeks without realising, or in your sleep? I know I do it sometimes without even thinking about it! or maybe even an ulcer or something like that? I really don't think its anyhting to worry about though but if you can't stop then a trip to your GP or dentist should put your mind at ease.:)

Angie x

03-10-08, 23:35
You probably bit the inside of your mouth when you were asleep. It happens to me sometimes.

04-10-08, 19:32
Yeah, i was gunna say the same a sheryl. It is common for people suffering with anxiety to chomp the inside of their cheek and grinde their teeth when they are asleep. I myself do this when i am having a bad spell of anxiety or if something is weighing on my mind. I'm pretty certain that this will be how this has occurred so i really would not worry. :hugs:

05-10-08, 08:35
If its on both side of your cheeks then its definately nothing to worry about, i always bite the inside of my cheeks in my sleep without realising i'm doing it. For peace of mind get your dentist to check it out.

di xx

06-10-08, 23:42
It is tmd related. You will probably be biting ur teeth toghter whlie u are sleeping and when u are tense.