View Full Version : Weakest Link

04-10-08, 05:54
my spelling sucks


my son had a viral infection today.. his face got abit swollen and he has lumps on his arms.. so we took him to see a dr. the dr. said it was just a viral infection and gave my son some anti biotics.. all day i have been thinking about my son.. feeling sick and worried.. my wife is more calm then i am .. in fact i picked up my son and held him for a hour with tears in my eyes.. i feel i should handle situations like this better but i cant.. i break down .. i just cant handle it!!:weep: i know people will say its normal to worry about your children but i just break down into full blown panic attacks and anxiety and im tottaly useless and cant think. i just wish i was stronger for me son and wife.. but im not.. im a weak link :weep:

Hope 2
04-10-08, 15:35
Hey Malv

If your son could choose from a Dad that loved him like nothing else but fell apart now and again .....


a Dad that didn't give a damn but kept 'himself together' practically, when he was ill.

Which do you think he would choose :winks: .

In my opinion LOVE outweighs everything, especially to a child.

Hope the little one is feeling better really soon
Julia xx

04-10-08, 23:52
Hi Malv,

What a touching post. I can understand a little how you feel, it is really tough sometimes isn't it. My biggest failing is when one of my children needs to go to A&E which fortunately has not been often but I just cannot deal with that and am overcome by my own selfish needs to avoid going there due to anxiety/panic. I am lucky to have a supportive hubby who has taken them while I sit at home worrying about it all and feeling very guilty. Like hope says, at least you love and care for your son and like you pointed out yourself the worry can be an emotional roller coaster.

I too hope he is better soon.

Take care


06-10-08, 10:37
Agreed. Far better to get a bit emotional and let your kids know you care than to play the stiff-upper-lip emotionally detached Victorian parent type. I was just the same when my daughter was 6 months old and stuck in hospital with pneumonia.