View Full Version : oh god..infected tooth

04-10-08, 09:05
I had an infection in my lower right wisdom tooth about 3 weeks ago. Went to dentist who gave me antibiotics. They didn't seem to make much difference. So I went back and she said that there wasn't another antibiotic she could give me, and it didn't look too bad anyway, but I should have it out given that it kept "grumbling" / feeling sore / uncomfortable.

So I agreed, and 2 days ago went back to have it out under a local anaesthetic, which should have been straightforward because it isn't impacted or anything, and the roots arn't funky according to x rays, I think that's what she said!

The problem was that the local anaesthetic didn't work...my tongue went numb after 3 injections, all of which caused me a lot of pain, and that was it. Despite having a nice dental nurse and dentist, after injection no.3 I was traumatized and screaming (sorry, I know, wimp but it hurt SO MUCH, despite numbing gel..)..I went into shock, or halfshock, and had to sit down for 30 mins, oh the shame.

Anyway, so my dentist said I was brave to try and have them out under local anyway, and most folk go straight to hospital for IV. So she referred me for that, as I'm a student it'll have to be NHS, so 2 months time.

but but but

a) if it gets infected between now and then, what the heck am I meant to do if she won't give me antibiotics? And why wouldn't she anyway..I've only ever tried one, but I get the impression I'll get no more? So what if it gets infected again?? It's semisore in daily basis but not full blown, feels like a dormant volcano

b) if the local anaesthetic didn't seem to work on me, then why would it just because I was IV sedated? Would it be better because a hospital would have more time/resources etc and I'd be calmer? But what if I'm in a calm state but it just doesn't work anyway, and it's just painful still??


It's continually semisore, doesn't seem to be much point going back to dentist after she said the above^, what do I do, go to Dr? what if no antibiotics work and i get really ill?


04-10-08, 09:23

I would try not to worry too much. If the pain gets really bad then go back to your dentist and tell them. They will have to do something, if it gets really bad they will move you up the NHS list. They are not gonna make you wait if it gets a lot worse. I know it hurts but be assured if it is semisore as you say then it can't be that really be that bad. If it got really bad you would be in absolute agony 24/7. I am not trying to say it isn't painful, just reassure you that it probably isn't as bad as you think at the moment :)

I have had IV sedation and it works a treat. I can't really remember what happened with me but I though I was in the theatre for about 3-4 minutes. My wife said I was in there 20 minutes so I obviously didn't know much about what was going on. Can't really remember any of it and once it wears off you feel fine.

As for feeling like a wimp, if your dentist is like mine the needles and syringes they use to inject you look positively medieval!! Just looking at them scares me :blush:

The anaesthetics they use don't always work to well. The last wisdom tooth I had out took seven injections to removed it and then 5 more later in the day to stitch it up when it started bleeding badly so you are not alone. The dentist told me I had a horse sized dose :)

Have you tried some simple painkillers to try and ease the pain, it might take your mind off it enough to stop you worrying. If they don't work you could try your Doc's, explain to him you have to wait and he might give you another antibiotic/proper painkiller:)

04-10-08, 11:59
I had an infection in my lower right wisdom tooth about 3 weeks ago. Went to dentist who gave me antibiotics. They didn't seem to make much difference. So I went back and she said that there wasn't another antibiotic she could give me, and it didn't look too bad anyway, but I should have it out given that it kept "grumbling" / feeling sore / uncomfortable.

So I agreed, and 2 days ago went back to have it out under a local anaesthetic, which should have been straightforward because it isn't impacted or anything, and the roots arn't funky according to x rays, I think that's what she said!

The problem was that the local anaesthetic didn't work...my tongue went numb after 3 injections, all of which caused me a lot of pain, and that was it. Despite having a nice dental nurse and dentist, after injection no.3 I was traumatized and screaming (sorry, I know, wimp but it hurt SO MUCH, despite numbing gel..)..I went into shock, or halfshock, and had to sit down for 30 mins, oh the shame.

Anyway, so my dentist said I was brave to try and have them out under local anyway, and most folk go straight to hospital for IV. So she referred me for that, as I'm a student it'll have to be NHS, so 2 months time.

but but but

a) if it gets infected between now and then, what the heck am I meant to do if she won't give me antibiotics? And why wouldn't she anyway..I've only ever tried one, but I get the impression I'll get no more? So what if it gets infected again?? It's semisore in daily basis but not full blown, feels like a dormant volcano

b) if the local anaesthetic didn't seem to work on me, then why would it just because I was IV sedated? Would it be better because a hospital would have more time/resources etc and I'd be calmer? But what if I'm in a calm state but it just doesn't work anyway, and it's just painful still??


It's continually semisore, doesn't seem to be much point going back to dentist after she said the above^, what do I do, go to Dr? what if no antibiotics work and i get really ill?


I suffer from a dental phobia (family trait) and have to attend the clinic dentist for the wimps. I have gas and air with that you don't care what they are doing. You can get a prescription off your doctor for antibiotics. You would be asleep so wouldn't feel it like having an operation.

04-10-08, 13:26
aw thankyou.

I know what agony is from having a wisdom tooth infection months back on the OTHER side! (lol I hate wisdom teeth)..that really was agony, so in comparison, you're right, its really not so bad. I guess my anxiety makes me worry, however.

I'm almost looking forward to this IV thingy. I want the blasted tooth GONE!

04-10-08, 18:25
aw thankyou.

I know what agony is from having a wisdom tooth infection months back on the OTHER side! (lol I hate wisdom teeth)..that really was agony, so in comparison, you're right, its really not so bad. I guess my anxiety makes me worry, however.

I'm almost looking forward to this IV thingy. I want the blasted tooth GONE!

hmm after reading the whole thread .. i thought i might tell you my last story with dental hell ... :noangel:

well i had to go remove one of my upper teeth .. i was so scared and had an intese feeling to run away .. but mom won't let me :doh: ..
i got in there ..had 2 anaesthetic injection.. it was just mintues and my tooth had been taken out without any pain ..

had to come another time .. this time i was so calm and reassured :roflmao:

thinking it would be just as easy as the previous .. well i was shocked to find

another dentist .. he looked like he knew what he was doing .. lol .. i sat down .. as their creepy chair was going under :unsure: smilling that ugly smell

of anaesthetic or whatever that smells in clinics i wasn't worrying much ..

had the anaesthetic .. and awwwwwwwwwwwww :scared15:

it hurt like there is no anaesthetic at alllllllll !! i cried and yelled and ah :weep:

04-10-08, 21:04
^ I hear you. Wow, do I ever! thankyou for sharing, sorry it happened though, obviously!