View Full Version : new and scared!!

04-10-08, 10:26
hi im a 19 year old female anfor the past month and a half have been having panic attacks! it started in september when i started to feel really low and having symptoms such as stomach pain headaches arm weakness and pain down my left arm which freaks me out as i start thinking about heart attacks! i then got very fidgety and agitated and then it escalated into a full blown attack which lasted bout 30 mins! i have been fine for the past week and a half but hae woken up today feeling nausea stomach is gurgling and feeling very spaced out and weak is this normal?? (anxiety and panic attacks run my family big time!)

04-10-08, 10:55
Hi babyd, everything you describe is a symptom of anxiety. The spaced-out feeling, weakness and stomach upset can all be caused by anxiety. Have a look at the Symptoms page on the site, it explains why you feel the symptoms that you do.

I think it's always a good idea to get a check up from a doctor when you first have symptoms that you haven't had before, just to make sure that there's nothing else going on and to reassure you. Your doctor might also be able to give you some guidance on how to deal with your anxiety.

Welcome to NMP, you'll find lots of support and help here :).

04-10-08, 11:07
I had the left arm thing and still do every now and again but i dismiss it in my head.

Numerous trips to the GP and the paramedics coming out telling me my heart is good for another 40 years at least, gave me the confidence to dismiss certain aspects of my panic and anx.

Learn breathing techniques and to read up on anxiety as well as panic disorder will help you realise all that you mention is pretty much the standard.

Not to take away how awfull it is, just saying.

I burp for no reason when i think of going out or being left in the house alone. The stomache naturally is affected and because of panic/anx the term "makes me sick to my stomache" was created.

All the best,


04-10-08, 12:11
Hiya Babydevil,

Welcome to NMP! :hugs:

All of the symptoms sound very familiar... I think most of us here would have experienced them at some time, so you are not alone in your worry.

Make full use of the forums here to ask anything that you want to ask! Also, to life your spirits, look at the 'success stories' section on this site...it's so inspiring!

05-10-08, 11:57
thanks for replys its reassuring, i have been to the dr but i dont seem to trust him very much due to things that have happened in the past! x

05-10-08, 12:09
thanks for replys its reassuring, i have been to the dr but i dont seem to trust him very much due to things that have happened in the past! x

Hiya - having a good relationship with your Dr is very important. I've had bad doctors in the past, so I changed. My advice to you would be to change GP. If you are unsure how to go about it, then write to your local health authority (their address should be easy to find online or in the phone book) asking that you would like them to change your GP. They will then be able to find a new one for you without your having the hassle of doing it yourself. :)

05-10-08, 13:16
hiya i just wanted to add that i sufferend bad health anxiety after my gran died and i had it bad for about a year, panic attacks, thought i dieing of cancer alsorts, the only way i dealt with it was by distraction.

i avoided any medical articals, certain tv programmes and kept myself busy, if i started to have these thoughts i would phone a friend or do some cleaning anything just to forget, i used to sing alot even though hubby used to put fingers in his ears haha, yeah i am/was bad.

i am ok now although i have to still go careful and not read to much or google to much.

welcome to nmp and hugs xxx