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04-10-08, 10:54
Am from New Zealand and work as a personal trainer, am into marine fish hobbie, also breed african greys,and have this little known problem down here, called overbreathing. How can you correct breathing while muscles are so tense and disfunctional. If you can't exhale in a relaxed complete way cause of tight muscles, then exhales remain too shallow and gases are out of whack....anyone?

04-10-08, 10:59
I was told (whilst lying down) to place both hands on the tummy so the fingertips touch eachother then breath through your nose (inhale and exhale) from the diaphram so the upper chest doesnt rise and your fingers part on your tummy instead.

Try to do this 8 times in a minute and breathing and pulse should resume normality within 5-10 mins.


04-10-08, 11:40
Yep - I would echo CONS's comment. I used that method when I feel panicky or have palpitations.

04-10-08, 11:47
Good tips cons and dazza - I've not heard that before. I too hyperventilate, or overbreathe, when I panic sometimes. I usually try holding my breath for a few beats to re-regulate my breathing, but I'll try the lying down method next time. Perhaps it's a Kiwi thing, lancelot :). Nice to see another one on here; welcome to NMP.

05-10-08, 09:23
hi there lancelot
I have had those breathing problems since i was 17,im now 46 but have learnt to live with it.its when you are concentrating on your breathing it seems to get worse so now i just try to ignore it and do something to take my mind off it because when yo think about breathing you tend to try and breath more as it makes you panic thinking you cant breath properly then the cycle begins and things get worse..walk about..talk to somebody do any thing so you are not thinking about it...good luck.jill x

Veronica H
05-10-08, 10:39
:welcome: Lancelot...You could try this advice from Dr Claire Weekes...

'A good exercise to stop rapid shallow breathing: lie flat on the floor or bed, bend knees and bring legs close to your body, keeping feet flat on the ground. Then place arms across chest, right hand grasping left shoulder, left hand grasping right shoulder. This produces abdominal breathing'.

This is caused by chest muscles tightening do to anxiety, which makes us feel we cannot breathe...Dr Weekes also says 'do not let it frighten you. Breathe as shallowly as you feel you must, but donot be concerned with what will happen because you breathe this way.Your respiritory centre will see that you inspire enough air, despite your effort to hinder it'.:yesyes:


05-10-08, 11:49
Thanks for that one Veronica, I'll try that one. :) I've got one of Claire Weekes's books around somewhere and she's full of sound advice.

06-10-08, 11:17
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

06-10-08, 12:11

:welcome: to nmp

jodie x

milly jones
06-10-08, 18:54
welcome to no more panic

good to meet you

milly xx