View Full Version : Hello

04-10-08, 10:59
Hi im Daniel, im 21 and i study music. I guess i should say whats up with me; um...i have some sort of anxiet disorder, my doctors reckons ocd and also depression. Im basically joining so I can talk to others that are having the same problems. Make you feel less alone i think. At the moment i shoul dbe at work, but m not i keep quitting jobs ( 5 this year) this is pretty much because the last thing i want to do when im feeling like this is go to work. Anyway this is a bit of a heavy introduction, so to lighten it....i like cake....and balloons.

04-10-08, 11:02
Hi Daniel i used to do music production at university and its good to have a creative outlet.

Yes work is low on priority lists when everday movements are affected by anx.

Many people here with simmilar problems and many success stories as well as troopers who keep going trying to beat our disorders.

Enjoy your stay,


04-10-08, 11:43
Hi Daniel,

Welcome to NMP! :yesyes:

Do not apologise for a 'heavy introduction'... we are all very open minded and understanding here. you will never be judged here. :)

Glad that you found us...you will find lots of useful info, advice and support here.

04-10-08, 13:32
thanks : )

04-10-08, 15:05
Hi Daniel
Hope you're having a good Saturday and enjoying not being at work! Most jobs are enough to depress even the most stable of minds! If you're studying music you probably need to do something creative to keep you happy. Hope you find some comfort in seeing anxiety disorders and all its relations (OCD, phobias, panic attacks - ah so many to pick from...)are very common, as is a love of cakes and balloons!
Take it easy,
Nettles X

06-10-08, 11:22
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

06-10-08, 12:03

:welcome: to nmp

jodie x

milly jones
06-10-08, 19:04
welcome to no more panic

good to meet you

milly xx