View Full Version : coming off diazapan

04-10-08, 13:24
hi im currantly having cbt and they tell me that diazapan is not good for me
i take half of a 5 mil a day but some days i have 1 full 5 one
will i get side effects if i just stop taking them just like that
i am really woried and not to sure how i am gonna cope :shrug:

04-10-08, 14:05
They say its not good for you because they claim it to be "addictive" but im on 5mg 6 times a day as required.

But i dont need that many everyday so i have a medicine bottle with over 100 inside it.

Side effects (withdrawl) from such a low dosage shouldn't be a problem whatsoever.

Keep up the CBT and take it from me when i say there are many SSRI's and other anx meds that can really shake you up when you come off them.

Diazepam is the english equivelant of Valium.

Controls the nervous system.

Don't worry hun all is well, keep up with the CBT.


04-10-08, 20:07
thankyou so much for that advice i really dont think i am ready just yet to come off them i need them for the time being while i try all my excercises with the cbt
thanks for great advice xxxxx

05-10-08, 19:58
Hi Burberrygirl,
I've been taking 2.5 mg per day Diazepam since Feb. and have just started cutting down on them, I first split a 2mg tablet into 4 and spread the 4 doses evenly across the day,then every fortnight I stopped one of the doses, I'm now down to 1.5mg per day.
It seems to be going OK so far without any nasty effects.

Good luck