View Full Version : scared of summer...+ alcoholism!

29-05-05, 17:03
...well it's been a while since I've been on this site, I've been sorting my life out but I've just realised that it's starting to backfire on me!...for months I was feeling so much betta, I felt like I was cured. i was @ college, got myself a part-time job, was going out drinkin/clubbing/partying etc like the gd old days...but suddenly summer has started which=3 months of free time on my hands. normally i'd be delighted to be able to relax and do nothing all ova summer, but this year I'm sh*t scared. i can already feel the anxiety creeping bck and I've only been off for 2 days!!...the only way I can deal with it is thro drinking myself stupid. eg friday-was drinking from 10am-2am the following morning!...I've been told I'm doing a hell of a lot of damage 2 my body which makes me even more panicky. I'm only 18 yrs old + I dont want 2 b spending the next 3 months drinking myself in 2 the ground coz theres no otha way 2 escape from my head.
Not quite sure why I'm posting this, I guess it may make me feel betta 2 get rid of some of my worries. any suggestions would be helpful :-s

29-05-05, 18:04
Why don't you make a list of things that you want to accomplish this summer? Set yourself times each week when you will do these things. That way, you will keep yourdself busy and not be drinking the whole time..:D

29-05-05, 18:30
Well done for being much better and getting yourself sorted ..

Hobbies, projects , catching up with old friends, take up a new sport, Volunteer somewhere..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

30-05-05, 02:18
It is hard and i know that as drink has got me to where i am now. Cured the sleepless nights but it is only temporary relieve and dont i know that on the nights dont drink

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.