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04-10-08, 20:27
Hi, it seems to be just one thing after another each day...It is so hard to cope, though i am really trying...
I really need some help on this one. I have been feeling great tension and pressure in my eyes, and it is really bad, it's so hard to bear. Trying to move my eyes feels like a task and eyelids as well, and the area just above eyes feels heavy ,and the forehead. It's difficult to look, and focusing on objects is hard. Even trying to close my eyes doen't help much, i still feel tension and the more i try to relax the eyes and eye muscles the more i feel i am focused on them and it's not working....This makes me nauseous as well, which makes everything so much worse, cause it makes me feel like i am really gonna throw up. I would feel similar things if i would try to read while riding in a moving vehicle, and I suffer from motion sickness. But I don't know why it started now...and it is still there. It feels like it started so suddenly, and i was so scared of it right away, that when i woke up this morning even though it wasn't there at this point i couldn't stop being afraid it will come back and of course soon it did and been here ever since... If I press the scalp on the sides it feels tender and i keep telling myself that means muscle tension...still it's hard to even think with the pressure i feel, and also since i feel this is also affecting my sense of orientation...
Has anyone experienced this, please, please? Or any thought?

04-10-08, 20:30

Do you think you might have blocked sinuses? just a thought. Sometimes I've felt like that (pressure around eyes) if my sinuses have been a bit blocked.

04-10-08, 20:40
I don't know, i asked myself that, and i don't really think so, do blocked sinuses makes it hard to move you eyes around and focus?
Thanks for replying, i was so pleasently surprised how quickly there was a reply...
I am so fed up with all this... I had similar feeling before, once it started when i was reading for exam in the taxi on the way, i was feeling the eye tension and nausea for the whole next week! But why do i feel like this now...i find it so hard to cope right now, so hard...what is this?

04-10-08, 20:46
I don't know exaclty what it is... but i know that anxiety gives us so many different symptoms, and we notice things that we would not normally notice, as we become hypersentive to our bodies.

I have had that feeling before when my sinuses have been a bit blocked. I've also had times when I felt pressure behing my eyes - but it never lasted for long.

I'm sure you will get a few more replies over the next few hours, so hopefully someone would have felt exactly what you are feeling.

04-10-08, 20:49
Darren, thank you, yeah, hopefully someone would have felt like this...

04-10-08, 21:26
Hi Mila

Sinus pressure can make it feel like it is hard to move your eyes, and make it hard to focus. I had sinusitis for a couple of months. It didn't feel like that all the time, but when it was bad - definitely. And I had a constant sensation of pressure above my right eye.

I had my eyes checked by my doctor and optician. They shine a light into the eye, and can see any additional pressure which would be present if you had a tumour or eye disease. In my case it was fine, diagnosis: sinusitis.

At the same time I had an inner ear infection which made me very dizzy, made me feel nauseous, and made it hard to focus too. The inner ear is responsible for balance and movement signals to your brain, so if it gets infected then you can feel off-balance, to the point where you can feel like you're on a ship. Movement (such as in a car) definitely makes this feeling worse and can make you feel sick as a result. I believe that sinusitis alone can cause dizziness too. The sinusitis gave me pain around and in the eyes and pressure headaches.

My advice would be to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis, but rest assured that all of the symptoms you describe can be caused by sinusitis, ear infection and tension.

Hope that helps. :)

04-10-08, 21:53
Thanks LeeBee...i was more hoping this could be tension in the eye muscles and facial muscles. i doubt i have sinusitis to be honest, maybe... But thank u for suggestion , i appreciate and i am so grateful for any reply right now really...

04-10-08, 22:16
Hi Millie, does this not seem like a migraine? I'v never been a masive sufferer of them myself but i did get them for a spell several years ago and I get the odd one now and again. I just think that the way you describe your symptoms sounds very much like a maigraine to me. :shrug: x

04-10-08, 22:39
Do you need your eyes testing??i had heavy eyes and headaches everyday and i just needed stronger reading glasses...xxx

05-10-08, 00:49
Hi Pink piglet, my partner was actually thinking the same thing, that it could be migraine...I don't know, I don't have a headache but maybe it could still be a form of migraine, i think he thought about that particularly cause of nausea...
Titch...i had the same symptoms before, couple of times, it would last for days and days usually. Once i went to the ophtamologist, i was worried it was glaucoma , she checked my eye sight at that time and looked inside and she told me my eye sight was perfect and all looked well at the back and that i don't have glaucoma either. I did had my eyes checked before that as well and they were always fine. Maybe now something changed but I don't know....
It's like my eyes are more sensitive right now, i just cried and my eyes were stinging with tears...

05-10-08, 23:51
I want to say thanks for the replies one more time...

I have had a really bad day again, I am on my pms still waiting for the period, it is horrible, and the tension in my eyes is still the same Now my neck and shoulders also feel even more tensed then before, i felt at one point like the neck tension is pulling my head backwards, it was weird and scary. Blinking feels very uncomfortable, partly cause of the tension i feel and partly i think that my eyes are now dry. Just like blinking, it is also uncomfortable moving my eyes around, looking up and down and things like that...