View Full Version : Hellish 24 hours

04-10-08, 20:58
Have just been through possibly the worse 24 hrs of my life!

My hubby announced he had to go to Scotland for work On Monday until Wednrsday, and it totally and utterly freaked me out. Had a huge panic attack, got in my car and just drove.
Eventually come home again, had terrible night sobbing and having hellish chest pains, palpitations etc
When i woke this morning i felt absolutely terrified! Ended up calling docs on call, had to!!!! Was even contimplating harming myself, felt soooo desperate for help. Went to local hospital and have been prescribed Diazepam. Have to report to my doc on Monday, and will be closely monitered.

Even sitting here now i feel so unsafe and have chest pains. Have i hit rock bottom? What should i do??

04-10-08, 21:11
Hi Geddy,

First of all, here is a big :hugs: !!!

We've all been where you are now: lost, scared, lonely, suffering. Hopefully knowing that we understand will go some way to make you feel less lonely.

I know it's so hard to think about it, but you need to try to calm yourself down somehow...take a warm bath, listen to music, watch tv, read a book, call a friend to have chat on the phone. Failing that, as you feel so vulnerable at the moment due to your hubby going away, are there any friends that you could stay with? it will help..my parents went away for two weeks recently, and i coud not face being alone either, as i was convinced that i would die, alone in the house. so i stayed with friends for the whole two weeks.

We are here with you darling. when you feel lonely, speak with us here. it will help.

04-10-08, 21:18
Thank you soooo much for your message!

I am just so scared, i have such dreadful thoughts, i even gathered together all my meds! I just dont know what to do, cant stand feeling so scared.

04-10-08, 21:43
That's good advice from Darren, Geddy. Is there someone you can stay with for a couple of nights, or can you have someone over to stay? Or at least someone that you can talk to on the phone until you're ready to go to sleep? You're not alone Geddy, we're here too.:hugs:

05-10-08, 12:46
Keeping myself topped up with Propanadol and Diazepam! But this is not living anymore , its just exsisting and struggling to get through each day :o(