View Full Version : newbie from the midlands england

04-10-08, 21:18
hi all, i,m a 39yr old mum of 3 children 2 boys 13/18 and a girl soon to be 16 i,m happily married to steve, i have been on and off anti depressents for 13 years.
last year i managed to give up smoking,this year since feb i have managed to lose 6 whole stone in weight, i was 23 stone!!! i have suprised myself and everyone around me by doing both,i have will power, i have stamina, i am able to do anything i put my mind to with patience, so why ho why am i stuck on anti depressents, why cant i come off them,why do i feel like such a failure, and why do i feel guilty about feeling like a failure,, i could go on n on n on,,well thats a little about me,i,m off to post a how long do these withdrawel symptoms last post,, as you can see, i really need to talk to someone, so anyone who has an ear to spare,,,,,,,,,
from lynn

eternally optimistic
04-10-08, 21:36

I reckon that reading all the above, you WILL do it.

Well done on the weight loss and giving up smoking, one of them on its own is hard to achieve.

Keep up with the will power that you have obviously got and that will help you through it.

Good luck for the future Lynn.


05-10-08, 02:23
Welcome to NMP, Lynn. Sounds like you're doing really well, as Jay ann says. I'd say: one thing at a time; be patient with yourself. You're absolutely not a failure and have already achieved a lot. Hope you find the site as useful and supportive as I have :welcome:.

05-10-08, 09:09
hi there
firstly how can you call yourself a failure,you have done so well giving up smoking let alone losing all that weight.you can focus on doing things you wont to do and the end result has been really good up to now.i think you should take things ones by one and im sure when you are ready you will give up the pills as you did the other things,.................jill

05-10-08, 09:10
Hi Lynn
Wow you have done fab, you are obviously an acheiver. Im sure with time you will be able to come off the antidepresants, i have read on this site that you often need to take a lot longer to reduce the dosage and be very patient than your GP may have suggested. Good Luck x

06-10-08, 11:19
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

06-10-08, 12:12

:welcome: to nmp

jodie x

06-10-08, 13:06
firsly ....well done for losing so much weight and secondly for packing up the fags xxxxx

why are you beating yourself up so badly because your on anti depressants.......are you still depressed, or are you afriad to come off them because you fear becoming ill .......i ask this because im 4 years on cipralex and im not sure whether i should come off them or not.....please let me know

i am from the midlands although i now live on the isle of skye, were are you from......

love and cuddles dawny xxxxx

milly jones
06-10-08, 18:46
welcome to no more panic

good to meet you

milly xx

06-10-08, 18:48

Welcome to NMP!

You will find lots of useful info, advice and support here.

06-10-08, 22:14
hi dawny, i,m from a town called whitwick just near coalville, and i dont think i,m depressed, can never understand what i,m depressed about,thats the confusing bit, but i know i am,,haha does that make sense? i,v been on meds on and off now for 13 yrs,, with a a ten yr med free in between,and i,v had similar withdrawel symptoms befor when i,v come off,i,v been doctors today and i,m back on them,for now,maybe till christmas, then i,m to come off very very slowly,over 6 months if needed,its a chemical imbalance in the brain is depression, so i,m just imbalanced,, haha,,i,m feeling good today, positive,and as i say, theres nothing for me to be down about, i just cant shake it yet though,, thansk for replying, and you ever want to have a good, old talk about how you feel just mail me,, i know how you can feel,,
HUGS lynn x