View Full Version : Newbie from the north west

04-10-08, 21:43
Hi there I am a newbie, I have to say it feels quite refreshing to find so many people in the same situation as me.
I have suffered from general anxiety disorder (GAD) for the last ten years and have always managed my anxiety myself after learning everything I could about it and also doing Cognative behavoral therapy.
Although to a degree I have learnt to manage it the final straw came when I went abroad for the first time in ten years. Although only for two days it was the most uncomfortable, paralysing, stressful thing I have done in a long time. Thats when I decided I had had enough, yes I was managing my anxiety but why should I?! I was sick of 'worrying about worrying' everytime I planned to do something and I was sick of just 'managing', I wanted my life back, I had wasted 10 years of it!
I made the desision to try medication, something I had steered away from in the past, I was scared but the need to get better was stronger. My doctor started me on citalopram just over 2 weeks ago. The side affects were pretty nasty at first but were starting to level out even though i was having a few pretty low points. The doctor then decided to up my dose to 20mg having begun on 10mg. I feel like I'm back to square one with the side effects and am really struggling to sleep and feel more anxious than I did on the 10mg.
I suppose what i'm after is some reassurance that I am not on my own and that these side effects will get better. Not many people have mentioned about the lack of sleep, I wake up loads of times in the night with butterflies then I cant get back to sleep.
Sorry for the long message but I promise any future ones will be shorter.

eternally optimistic
04-10-08, 21:49
Hi ya Kate

Ive been on citalopram for just over a year now, trying to come off them slowly.

The side effects should subside sooner rather than later.

I can only be glad that I decided to eventually take the tablets!

There is a catalogue of things it has given me back. Time to see what was going wrong, nothing major really but just an ongoing episode that made me actually take help.

I really can say that even to this day that there are things that are allowing me to do with more ease.

If you stick with them, I hope they work well for you.

Good luck


04-10-08, 22:27
Hi Kate

Welcome to NMP

So nice to see you here and i hope we can be of help and support to you.

Love Lisa

04-10-08, 23:10
Thanks for the welcome guys, never done anything like this before.
Not looking forward to going to sleep tonight and just lying there listening to my fella snore all night but as you say hopefully it will get better. I can pretty much cope with the other side effects even though they are horrible but the sleeping is a big thing. I need my kip. Is there anything that can be taken aswell, like a herbal remedie or something, that will help me sleep? Also my doctor advise me to take the meds before I go to bed, do you think I should be taking them in the morning intead?

04-10-08, 23:16
Hi kategavin,

I don't have any experience myself with Citalopram, I just wanted to wish you a warm welcome to NMP!

You will find lots of useful info, advice and support here.

Cathy V
04-10-08, 23:40
Hi Kate and welcome. Yes one of the side effects of citalopram is insomnia, but only at first i believe. After a few weeks things should settle down. If you go to the main menu on the left and scroll down to the medication section, you'll find some info about it there.

Hope this helps
Cathy xxx :welcome:

04-10-08, 23:49
Hi Kate

I also declined med but i bit the bullet today and started on 10mg - i have to say i was doing OK for about 3 hours and then wham - it began which is what i did not want to happen - so i am really tired decided to go to bed at 10pm and after lying awake for nearly 2 hours i have decided to get up - i dont know wether its mental thing or wether it really is side affects - have been sleeping properly for about 4 weeks until tonight - i suppose like everyone says these things take time - LOL x :ohmy:

05-10-08, 11:45
Thanks everyone for the welcome and advice. I have to say I slept a little better last night but not much, however I am feeling a little more perky today, if not a bit tired, so maybe I am turning a corner.

06-10-08, 11:18
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

06-10-08, 16:59
hi kate, another one from the north west like me...
i started on citalopram 4 yrs ago after not wantin any meds n finally giving in,if the sleepless night are the worst youre suffering than count urself lucky, i had hurrrrrrendous side effects ! i had night tremors, where i was kinda half asleep but awake n very aware of what was going on but havina kind of awake nightmare but too paralysed to do anyhting WAS VERY SCAREY, also had bad heart palps the worst anxiety and panic attacks ever, the side effects eventually died down but the doc put me on a dofferent kind, escitalopram, they suit me much better, i still have anxiety, ocd, panic attacks blah blah blah but not half as bad and no side effects, if ur side effects continue, talk to your doctor and see if theres something that suits you more, my side effects did subside a little and yours will too but i just dont think they suited me, different tabs suit different people.. this may not be what you wanted to hear but i hope it can help you a little as you are defo not alone on the citalopram front jus look at the meds forum thingy on here, there are lots of people with the same story, very sommon and nothing to worry about,
take care, message me if you need anything

06-10-08, 17:40
Hi Kate

Welcome to the site I am sure you will find many people on here who understand how you feel.

Take care


milly jones
06-10-08, 18:39
welcome to no more panic

good to meet you

milly xx