View Full Version : Newcomer from New Zealand

05-10-08, 06:22
Hi, I am in my 40's, female, trying to come back from emotional breakdown, feelings of severe anxiety, helplessness, depression. Have been prescribed celapram 20mg, have been taking it for 16 days. Problems sleeping. Anyone out there similar, with experience of celapram? My depression has alienated me from husband, he cannot deal with my 'lows' and can be verbally abusive. I feel very alone and find without support and love from partner, getting well is a huge struggle. Look forward to hear from anyone in similar situation.

05-10-08, 07:41
Hi Joanna, welcome to NMP. :welcome: I'm also a Kiwi.

I'm not on Celapram but there is information about it on the site. Over in the UK it's calledCitalopram. Have a look at the Citalopram sub-forum:


Sorry to hear you're going through a tough time at the moment. You'll get lots of support and advice here, hope it helps. :)

05-10-08, 10:17
Hi Joanna,

Glad that you found us!

You will find lots of useful info, advice and support here.

Welcome to the NMP family!

05-10-08, 10:40
Problems sleeping?

Ask for sleepers from your doc or try get Diazepam/Valium prescribed for a few weeks until your body clock adjusts,

welcome to the forum,


06-10-08, 11:18
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh xxx

06-10-08, 12:09

:welcome: to nmp

jodie x

milly jones
06-10-08, 18:57
welcome to no more panic

good to meet you

milly xx