View Full Version : Newbie - too old to still be feeling like this ..

05-10-08, 09:24
I'm 65 and have suffered with chronic anxiety and depression since I was 9, when my father died very suddenly. From that moment I was convinced I too was going to die. At the time my mother could not cope with my emotional reaction to what had happened and would pass me on to anyone who would have me. As a result I was repeatedly abused. I was then sent to a convent boarding school where my death phobia took over my life. The nuns could not cope with me and their only response was to punish me for "making a fuss". They often used to lock me in a room on my own at night, which only terrified me even more. I then developed chronic agoraphobia, in fact became phobic about just about everything. I was obsessed with the fear of death. I spent years in psychiatric hospitals during my 20s and early 30s having all kinds of drug therapy, but nobody ever tried to find out what was at the root of my problems. I had also been self harming severely for many years, but nobody knew, it was my secret way of coping. My mother died when I was 33, leaving me homeless as we were living in a house which had been left to her by her former employer. I found myself completely alone, as the rest of the family were already dead. Everyone on my mother's side of the family died of one form of cancer or another and I felt I was living with a time bomb, convinced it would soon catch up with me. The smallest physical symptom was translated by my over stressed brain - such as it was - into the first signs of cancer. I have had all kinds of unpleasant medical tests over the years. For the last two months I have been experiencing bloatedness and acute reflux and other digestive problems and that feeling of a lump in my throat. I am convinced I have at last inherited the family cancer and I'm terrified. My GP is certain my symptoms are due to chronic anxiety and has given me some Ranitidine to limit the production of stomach acid. I am in an exhausting cycle of free floating anxiety which lasts for hours, When I do fall asleep, which is usually only for a couple of hours, I wake up terrified and back in that cycle of anxiety. I am exhausted, alone and terrified and don't know where to turn. My life has taught me not to trust people and due to the abuse when I was a child I have never had a relationship. I feel like a freak. I'm so ashamed of what I am and what a failure my life has been. If it wasn't for my phobia about death I would have killed myself years ago.

05-10-08, 09:34
Hi BNCfan,

Glad that you found us here! :D You will find lots of useful info, advice and support here.

So saddened to hear about your life experiences. You've had, and still are having a really tough time.

It sounds like the first step might be to stop treating yourself like a failure.. this will only feed your anxiety. The problem is, that we create ideas of failure in our mind by comparing ourselves to others, or how we feel that others think we should be. Often, there is a disparity between what we feel we should be and what the reality is... but this is not failure, it's just that we all have differents paths in life. If everyone was the same, life would be boring right?!

In terms of your symtoms, you will find two big sections about that here: the first one is on the left had side of this page under the 'Problems / Issues' section. You will find in depth explanations there about the most common symptoms, which will hopefully allay some of your fears. There is also a 'Symptoms' forum, which I recommend you make full use of by posting any thing that is concerning you about your physical or emotional symptoms.

Yet again, so glad that you have found us. Your reaching out to us like this tells me that you do want to overcome this, and just by wanting to overcome it means that you CAN!! It's a big step forward joining us here..so welcome and well done!

Keep talking to us. :hugs:

05-10-08, 09:39
Hi BNCfan

I posted a reply to your post on the Health Anx forum.

Gosh, my heart goes out to you. I wish I could give you a hug, for what it's worth.

Can I ask if you've ever had any counselling or psychotherapy? Or you've ever tried any alternative treatments or therapies such as meditation, yoga or Reiki for example? I hope it doesn't sound like I'm trivialising your experience. It just seems you've had a tough time with the medical profession over the years. I don't know if you would have access to that kind of treatment. It's never too late...

Welcome to NMP BNCfan, I really hope that it can do something for you.


06-10-08, 11:16
Hi there and welcome to the NMP community

Pooh x

milly jones
06-10-08, 19:15
welcome to no more panic

good to meet you

milly xx

06-10-08, 20:40
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its great to have you here.
you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.