View Full Version : I am sobbing and so very scared :(

05-10-08, 11:03
Hello, as a few of you know i have a fear on lung cancer, i am 6 months pregnant and have been having acid reflux. I have had quiet a good morning had a nice long bath and then to annoy me partner i was dancing around singing loudly. After my bath i blew my nose and irrigated it with salt water. When i was singing i was aware that something appeared in my mouth i went to the sink to spit and it was BLOOD!! like a small clot. Well omg since then i cant breath and i am convinced i am dying on lung cancer. What shall i do? I didnt cough it up it just kind of appeared :(

05-10-08, 11:07

Of course its not cancer:lac:

We all get little bit and clots of blood up our noses, dunno why but we do

If you are pregnant you would have had all sorts of blood tests and if anything were amiss it would have been spotted!!!

Now quit fretting and go enjoy your Sunday and the peace and quiet before junior arrives:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

05-10-08, 11:07
Hi Tasha,

First of all, you need to get control of your breathing to allow the rest of your body to calm down.

Take a long deep breath in through your nose, and expand your tummy and not your chest as you do so. hold the breath for a few seconds, then slowly let it out. Repeat several time until you feel that you are calming down.

Or try breathing in and out of a paper bag.

Blood in the mouth may have come from your gums. I get this often... bits of food can get trapped up inside the gums, then the gum becomes irritated (you don't even feel that it is) and this can then produce blood.

05-10-08, 11:17
Kaz and Daz :D are right, tash, it doesn't sound like anything to worry about at all.

The little bit of blood could have come from your gums, or your nose. You irrigated and blew your nose just before it happened, the tiny blood vessels in your nose are really delicate and can get little tears in them very easily. When you irrigated your nose the spot of blood might have flowed into your mouth. This happened to me all the time when I was using nose drops a couple of months ago.

It sounds like you were having a great day. I'm sure singing and dancing during your pregnancy is very, very good for the baby. :yesyes: More of that.

Cathy V
05-10-08, 14:03
Hiya, i might be missing something here, but why would anyone 'irrigate' their nose with salt water? well with anything for that matter, and ive never heard of anyone doing this but like i said i could be missing something. Wouldn't salt water irritate the lining if the nose and may have caused the blood?

Just a thought
Cathy :)

05-10-08, 14:22
I get blood now and again but usually from a nose-bleed that comes out my mouth, usually a day or 2 after.

If it persists see your doc, other wise your nose is just clearing itself out,


05-10-08, 15:05

just thought I would add my two pennies, I have had nose bleeds when pregnant they are quite common and nothing to worry about,

my son also gets real bad nose bleeds which are horrendous, they don't seem to do him any harm.

Defo not cancer hun,

sorry you are in some distress at the moment take care

05-10-08, 15:12
Hiya, i might be missing something here, but why would anyone 'irrigate' their nose with salt water? well with anything for that matter, and ive never heard of anyone doing this but like i said i could be missing something. Wouldn't salt water irritate the lining if the nose and may have caused the blood?

Just a thought
Cathy :)

The very question I was going to ask myself:D Salt is quite corrosive, look what it does to slugs (not that I would do anything so cruel:mad:)

Cathy V
05-10-08, 15:15
Well seeing as how everyone else who've replied so far have completely overlooked the irrigation with salt part, then i have to assume that im wrong for suggesting that if you tend to do this regularly, this might be damaging the lining of your nose and causing the bleeding? Obviously its normal for people to do this then?

Anyway pregnancy can be a scary time and can cause all kinds of anxiety, im sure you're fine.

Best wishes
Cathy xxx

Cathy V
05-10-08, 15:17
Hi Trixie, i was beginning to think id got it wrong and that maybe it was something people di that i didnt!

05-10-08, 15:22
salt water?!:huh:

05-10-08, 16:14
Hi Trixie, i was beginning to think id got it wrong and that maybe it was something people di that i didnt!

No, I thought the same thing but you got there first. :D

05-10-08, 17:04
hello all thanks for your responses. Doc told me to try using salt water as i have a lot of mucus stuck at the back of my throat and this supposidly clears it. I do it once a week and its horrible!

So for the blood to just appear in my mouth would it have definitly come from my nose? Surely if it had come from my lungs i would have coughed it up?

Thanks Guys im just really struggling at the moment and things like this will know me back for days


05-10-08, 17:04
Sorry that should say knock me back

Cathy V
05-10-08, 17:18
Hi there tash, well the salt water irrigation thing really surprises me coming from a doctor, but hey im not a medical person so what do i know? If i ever get a sinus headache, which can also produce thick mucus at the back of my throat, i just inhale the steam from hot minted water over a bowl under a towel. You can buy menthol drops for this from chemist or health shops and just add a few drops to boiled water and breathe through your nose over the steam...it thins out any mucus. Its also gentle on the delicate lining of your nose and soothes your throat and clears your head.

Try not to freak out about the blood you had in your mouth, you're right to think that if it came from your lungs youd have a cough. If it was cancer you'd be very very ill long before you coughed up any blood. You certainly wouldnt be dancing around!! :D

Cathy xxx

05-10-08, 18:51
hello all thanks for your responses. Doc told me to try using salt water as i have a lot of mucus stuck at the back of my throat and this supposidly clears it. I do it once a week and its horrible!

So for the blood to just appear in my mouth would it have definitly come from my nose? Surely if it had come from my lungs i would have coughed it up?

Thanks Guys im just really struggling at the moment and things like this will know me back for days


How much salt did you use though?

05-10-08, 19:12
Also, if you hadn't been coughing a clot of blood couldn't have made it's way up from your lungs to your mouth!

But I do sympathise with you: I've had the very same panic myself (except with me the blood was from my gums).

Bleeding gums and noses are very common in pregnancy. But stop with the salt water irrigations!!

05-10-08, 19:15
Hi everyone well i just smiled for the first time today funny what mkes me smile. I just blew my nose ( sorry this is slightly gross) but i was dried blood not loads but enough for me to think well the blood earlier today must have something to do with that in my nose. Yay. Well thts what my head is telling me now who knows wht i will think in an hour or so. I used a nasal spray that apparently is safe for pregnant woman that is pure sea water so i guess it was very salty. I wont be doing it again but i was just following docs orders


05-10-08, 19:16
can i just appologies for my spelling certain buttons on my laptop are broke lol apparently buying baby clothes is more importnant than a new laptop :D

05-10-08, 19:47
Just wanted to say: salt water is a fairly common treatment for blocked sinuses. You can get over-the-counter nasal drops and sprays that are pretty much just pure salt water, with stabilizers that balance the PH of the water, which stops the cilia in the sinuses and nose from becoming temporarily deactivated, which can happen with steam alone if you use it a lot (I'm told). I think salt water just gets the gunk moving. I used both steam and salt water nasal drops for my sinusitis, the steam was definitely more pleasant to use and would be my preferred choice, but the salt water did the trick. I got blood from my nose after using the steam or the salt water somtimes.

05-10-08, 22:10
I know we use to soak hankies in salt water as it broke up the 'stuff' on them when I was nursing, but I would hate to think of house hold salt being used as an inhaler without it being diluted properly.