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spotty socks
05-10-08, 12:06
I am quite a shy person with a history of PTSD, depression and anxiety problems. I have been through STEPPS program that has been piloted in uk with a certain degree of sucess. I have been in therapy for 3 yrs and loosing my therapist and support worker next May. I have just been put forward for some PTSD help , but not sure when that will start. I am between meds at the moment , im sure lots of people know that feeling.
I have learn t a lot in my time in therapy and although i am not good face to face or on phones i can support people via the net.
Spotty socks

05-10-08, 12:10
Hiya spotty socks,

Glad that you found us!

You will find lots of useful info, advice and support here.

Welcome to the NMP family!

05-10-08, 12:11
Hi Spotty Socks

A big welcome to NMP :welcome:.

Great to have you on board!