View Full Version : dizzy spells, aching muscles=M.S?

agent orange
05-10-08, 13:20
hello. Can anyone advise me? I currently suffer from dizzy spells,I have unbalanced feelings, like walking lop sided,tiredness. I am tense in the legs,neck, arms etc and suffer from headaches. I do feel anxious. I was referred to the Neurologist because I could not believe that I did not have M.S ( Some of these symptoms are similiar ) He gave me a clinical examination, which he said was clear/negative and then sent me for an MRI scan, which came back negative too, but these symptoms have not gone away and when I present myself to the doctors, they do not seem worried. One doctor said that they were classic signs of anxiety, but I have had these symptoms for about 2 years. I also get popping and pressure around the ears. I was referred to the ENT dept as the MRI scan picked up sinus problems, only to be examined and told that there is no problem. Can any of this be long term anxiety? Can anyone advise?
Agent Orange.

05-10-08, 20:01
Hi agent, all of the symptoms you describe could be caused anxiety, even the ear popping and pressure. Have a look at the symptoms page to the left of the forum and you'll see them listed there. Sorry you've had to put up with them for so long.

It sounds like you've been pretty thoroughly checked out medically, so try to put your mind at ease - you don't have MS. Have any of the doctors you've seen advised you about treating your anxiety?

05-10-08, 20:06

It sounds like you've been really checked over, but I know how hard it is to accept that the doctors are saying to you sometimes.

I know that anxiety can do wierd things to the body.

since reading your post, I've now started to worry a bit about my symptoms, as I remember once googling 'tingling in chest' and MS was one thing that came up. I don't even want to google MS to see exaclty what it is.

I wish you all the best and keep us informed of your progress.

big hug

05-10-08, 21:06

I found this very interesting reading.
I have suffered from the same symptoms for 2-3 years. all the doctors put it down to anxiety until one of them decided to do a neck x-ray which showed the early onset of cervical spondylosis. I had the same tests as you - all negative results.

What I suggest is really analysing the dizziness. I'm always unstable but I can also trigger severe dizziness with certain head movements. The other thing is that which comes first? the anxiety or the dizziness? My dizziness was causing anxiety. My new doctor now knows there is definately a problem with my neck and has referred me to a orthapeadic triage team who look at blood flow in the neck. If blood arteries/veins are not working properly it will cause dizziness.
The popping/ear pressure can also be caused by problems with blood supply in the neck.
As everyone is saying, all the symptoms can be caused by anxiety BUT work out which comes first and if you can trigger the dizziness by doing certain things.

send me a private message if you want to ask questions as I'm rubbish at finding threads that I've posted on! I'll try to keep track of this one but I might not be able to find it again!!

05-10-08, 21:52
If your MRI was clean, and your doctor said you don't have MS, then you don't have MS. It's as simple as that.

If I were you, I'd do a little research into Benign Fasciculation Syndrome (BFS). It's what I have, and you seem to have very similar symptoms.
I once thought I had M.S. as well.

agent orange
06-10-08, 17:30
thanks folks. I am hanging in there. Darren I would not google M.S, the internet can confuse people. I shall certainly look up bfs, thanks again folks.
Big Smiles to all.
Tony aka Agent Orange.

06-10-08, 17:50
hi Tony,

Glad that from the info here that you don't have MS. it's a relief to hear.

you're right - i haven't Googled MS (despite a morbid curiosity to do so!) as i know it will frighten the hell out of me. I think i will speak to my GP about it to see what he thinks.

agent orange
06-10-08, 18:04
The sad thing is Darren is that a lot of us go round in circles and we need to get off the roundabout, if this makes sense.

06-10-08, 18:08
yes, i totally get what you are saying. i had a few good days last week, but then my mind decided to throw my back on the roundabout for a few more spins.

Im damn determined to get over this mate. sounds like you are too!! i wish you all the best with it. let us know how you get on.

agent orange
06-10-08, 18:10
o.k thanks, take care everyone.

06-10-08, 20:26

I googled that bfs- wow madness.

28-05-11, 09:00
Hi everyone!

Ffor the last week or so I've been having these symptoms; feeling very weak and shaky in general and dizzy spells that last a couple of hours a day (and usually at the same time each day). I've also have an ear infection- could the two be linked? Can anxiety cause a prolonged bout of dizziness or is this more likely to be from the ear infection? I'm desperate for answers now as I'm freaking out and googling my symptoms every day now and thinking it might be something serious.