View Full Version : i cant even think of a title

The Fool
05-10-08, 14:56
i have no idea why im writing this.i cant even think of what to put.i dont want anyone to no whats wrong becuase i cant ever figure it out.i could be surrounded by thousands of people right now all willing to help me all with wise advice and words of comfort and id still feel totally alone and lost.i feel like im drowning everyday.i dont no how to stop this. i dont no how to stop crying.i cant hardely even write this i feel totaly sick.i dont thinkanyone would understand.how could they.i dont even no what im talking about.i cant do this.

05-10-08, 15:40
Sending you a huge big hug Teen,i don't know whats wrong but i hope you;re feeling better soon.If theres anything i can do don't be afraid to ask.
Ali ((((((TEEN)))))))

05-10-08, 17:44
Teen-Queen i have chatted with a few times and find you funny and quirky,

your a decent person honey and confusion is natural for all people nevermind people like us. Just be easy and distract yourself a little until you find common ground with yourself again.

An hour ago i was in bed with racing thoughts and a numb left arm, now im here trying make you feel better.

Take care sweety,

thinking of you,


EDIT: if you have msn look at my profile and add me, im not always on but i will look out for you and chat with you if you need me.

10-10-08, 14:38
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

10-10-08, 16:24
:bighug1: Hoping you feel better soon.

Laura xxx

10-10-08, 18:27
Really sorry you are not feeling to good teen, if you fancy a chat, just pm me anytime chick,
Take care, big hugs :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

10-10-08, 23:42
Hey Teenie

put on some blue lippy a wig a fake fur coat and some black goth eye make up it should make you laugh and then you'll look just as good as i did when i dressed like that when I was a teen lol
Ps throw in a sixties psychadelia dress for good measure

thinking of you wee teenie

pooh x

10-10-08, 23:50
Hi, Im new here too, I felt weird writing to people I can't see. Brill quote I love that song.
My daughter went through a stage of crying too and didnt know why, she felt sick etc. Luckily she is better now but v worrying at the time. XXX