View Full Version : Wish the feeling would stop

05-10-08, 17:03
I have had anxiety for years it comes and goes. Over the last few dys it has been the classic arm and leg pain / discomfort. I do know this is probably due to me being taken off the medication and now being put back on and just having to wait patiently for it to kick in, but it is really doing my head in. Sorry had to have a wee rant :)


05-10-08, 17:06
Aww - you are welcome to write stuff here anytime you want! I never view these things as 'rants'...they are you way of letting off a bit of steam and letting out your frustrations and worrying emotions.

You will get there. Just hang on in there. Try to distract yourself with some reading, music, take a warm bath, call a friend etc...

Or you could try the BBC Mind Spa that a friend told me about this morning..it took my mind off my worries for a while (just as this website does).


05-10-08, 20:18
Thanks Darren,

It does always help when someone else speaks and lets you know that things will become better.

Thanks again


05-10-08, 20:58
I like the term "classic arm and leg thing",

so many people worry most about those aspects and the people who have had it so long expect it. Bizarre how peoples perspectives change over time.

Yeah i guess youve been told 2-4 weeks for it/them to start working again.

Personally i wont do SSRI's anymore, i dont want something that restricts/controls what happens in my brain.

Diazepam will do and when that doesnt work i ride it out and generally feel crappy,

sound familiar?