View Full Version : Just need a Vhug.

05-10-08, 17:11
So My boyfriends parent hate me...For seemingly no reason.

Little story, once me and him decided we were going to get serious he moved in with me and that is when this all started...

They used to like me but now it seems that I am, as they call me, an "Egotistical controling bitch"

I wont repeat every fight but one thing that REALLY bothered me...His stepfather Is telling people that I fake my panic disorder for attention...

I was shocked...To say the least...
-sigh- I tried to call to see if we could at least talk (Me and his parents...)but they hung up on me.

On the up side, me and my boyfriend are making plans for the future...possible marriage? ^.^

05-10-08, 17:17
Have a hug from me. Parents have such hiigh expectations for their kids sometimes and hate the though of losing them. Do not worry I am sure your boyfriend will make his own decisions and things will work out in the end.


spotty socks
05-10-08, 18:34
i am sending the biggest hug i have ever given. Your partners boyfriend, Its their stuff , their insecurities. They got to stand back and let their grown up child make decisions.
Take care
Spotty socks

06-10-08, 07:14
Thank you both very much ^.^
I love my boy dearly and he told them to knock it off...and that he refuses to talk to them until they appologise to me.
Hopefully soon? Family is important! =P

Thanks again!!!

milly jones
06-10-08, 19:54
loads a hugs

milly xxx

06-10-08, 20:12
ive been through same thing and now he is my hubby , but his parents didnt like me so that was it ,he told them get on with me or they wont see him unfort it was the last one, but we love each other and stuff them is all i can say, you only live once take love when weve got it good luck


06-10-08, 22:48
Thank you both ^.^

And Congrats Amanda...On things working out for you...I guess with the whole family hating you thing...We are the lucky ones because Our boys actually stand up to their parents...

Too Often I hear of stories where the Man is a mommies boy and Listens to whatever she says.