View Full Version : Well here goes.

05-10-08, 18:20
Found this forum after searching google for Citalopram which I was prescribed two and a half weeks ago after finally getting myself to go see the doctor (should have gone a long time ago really) for depression/anxiety. Was kind of reassuring to read others experiences and that others have felt same side effects. Managed to kind of let life get away from me am now really trying to claw it back now which isn't easy. Will probably be easier once I've finished university and got that out the way, only one year left well 30 weeks really.

Veronica H
05-10-08, 18:51
:welcome: Monkey82. You will find comfort and support here. Glad you have found us.


05-10-08, 19:00
Hiya Monkey82

05-10-08, 19:12
Hi monkey,

best of luck with uni, much anx involved there,

head up and get with your friends there as much as possible,


05-10-08, 19:26
:yahoo: :yahoo: Welcome
onkey82 :yahoo: :yahoo:

05-10-08, 19:27
:yahoo: :yahoo: Try again, Welcome Monkey82 :yahoo: :yahoo: ha ha

05-10-08, 19:28
Hi Monkey

Welcome along and i hope the site is a good source of help and support to you.


06-10-08, 11:14
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

milly jones
06-10-08, 19:17
welcome to no more panic

good to meet you

milly xx

06-10-08, 19:33
Thanks for replies, it's nice to make contact with people even if it is by computer rather than face to face (I'm working on that). Have already read a lot of useful stuff here. Seems like a really friendly supportive place.

06-10-08, 20:31
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its great to have you here.
you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.