View Full Version : Oh Ekk!

05-10-08, 19:26
Hi Guys

Ok, so i ain't been out in such a long time, well apart from talking to neighbours in the street ect, but tomorrow i NEED to go out and i have to admit, the nerves are setting in already.

Ben has the School dentist at 11am and then it's parents evening at 7.30pm. I REALLY want to be there for him and i'm determind that i WILL be! :wacko:

I honestly don't know where my fears lie because i have been to the school a milion and one times and know most of the staff. I have no fear of being around people or the school, I think it's the fear of having a PA when i am out more than a fear of going out, if that makes any sense! :shrug:

I'm soooo scared i get so panicy and back out, or i do go and make a plum of myself!!

Sorry just needed the rant

Love Lisa

05-10-08, 19:32

You go and kick butt...you can do this.......you will be there for Ben.,

If it means being called short then all be well.....


05-10-08, 19:38
Awww thanks shorty and i hope you're right.


05-10-08, 19:42

I'll kick the butt for you if you want.

I will text you too.
I will call you a flea if you dont go or a gnome...anything to think off...

You CAN and WILL do this.

Take control. take charlie and if anyhting set him on everyone Lol

Good Luck. Fight the darn feelings.

(if only i could do what this Lol)

Love NIkk xxxxxxxx

05-10-08, 19:46
Hiya m8y .....
I understand totally how u feel I had Jades met the teacher 2 weeks ago and really didnt want 2 go ...well I wanted 2 go but didnt feel I could ....anyway I went and yeah I started 2 get panicky but I just concentrated on what the teacher was sayin and it wasnt 2 bad and best of all Jade was sooooooooo pleased .....
..But hun if you really cant do it dont beat yourself up just think next time I will do it .....x

text me when u goin if it takes yr mind of it hun xxx

big hugs xxxxxxx
Titch xxxxxxxxxxx

05-10-08, 19:48
an idea//// go in your firemans suit. then you can say your on a shout if you feel panicky and leave. which I doubt you will. Lol

Ben will be proud of his Mum...


05-10-08, 19:52

i wish you luck hun, the only advice i can give you is relax......its never ever as bad as you think its going to be......

love and cuddles dawny x

05-10-08, 19:57
Thanks alot folks!! This is making me more determind!! fingers crossed


05-10-08, 19:59
You''l make it!!!

Pooh x

05-10-08, 20:25
hiya lisa, you will do it and u will be fine hun, its just the build up to it and its making u more nervous.

i also have parents evening tomorrow, that time of year again.
hugs and try real hard to not think about it and just go for it.

05-10-08, 20:25
Hey Lil,
Fair fecks to you hun:yesyes: .u'll be grand.

Granny Primark
05-10-08, 20:53
:DIve got every confidence in you lisa.:D
Just be prepared like I am when I get anxious.

1. Bottle of rescue remedy.

2. Brown paper mushroom bag. (pinched from asda)

3. Bottle of water.

4. Drops of lavender oil on some tissue.

And if that fails a huge bottle of vodka!!!!!!!!!!!
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

06-10-08, 10:55

You'll be just fine, whats the worse thing that could happen?
A panic attack and i bet it doesn't happen.
What i do now is tell everyone, as soon as i tell them the fear goes.

And good god girl, get out that house..........every day! I promise you lisa its the only cure.

You'll be on your way to the dentist now, let us know how you got on.

di xx

06-10-08, 15:02
Thankyou all so much! you have been absolute stars in supporting me here.

Ok one down :yahoo: One to go!

I honestly thought i was gonna lay an egg earlier because i was so nervous, my stomach was in my mouth but i made sure i damn well did it. I know a few people who work in the school and i met ever single one when i went in (just my luck) Lol. But i chatted to this one and that one till it was Bens dentist time. We were in there 20 minutes and when it was over, rather than leave, i decided stuff it and walked him back to his classroom. My mum was with me but i made her wait outside the dentist room as i wanted to do it on my own, plus i walked him back to the class on my own :yahoo:

When we got back to the house, my mum threw her arms around me and told me how proud she was :doh: Lol

So it's parents night tonight.....watch this space :wacko:
