View Full Version : Letting anxiety get the better of me

05-10-08, 20:58
Hi all.

I fear that I have been letting my anxiety get the upper hand over the past couple of weeks as I haven't even attempted to leave the house and walk anywhere by myself.
I'm making lots of excuses why I shouldn't go out, the weather is rotten, I have got loads to do at home, basically anything to avoid it.
Something happened last week which has made me more fearful, I feel really stupid putting this in writing but here goes. :blush:
I live in a fairly quiet cul-de-sac, there is the odd bit of aggro but as most of my neighbours have also lived here a long time I feel safe.
At the end of last week a mugging happened here, I saw it but it happened so quickly I didn't have a chance to help the person who got mugged, I got to the front door just as the bas***ds were driving off in their car.
They had followed this poor woman (by car) from a bank a mile away, watched her walk up to her daughter's front door and then they pounced. :mad:
This has brought home to me that a major part of my fear of having a panic attack is the possibility of being at the mercy of strangers who might try and take advantage of the situation. I feel safe at home, my logical brain says that I'm not in danger from others if I have a panic attack while I'm out, but my anxious brain tells me that I could be susceptible to being attacked or robbed.
It is stupid I know, I'm a VERY big girl and could probably flatten any would be attacker with one slap but I can't shake the thought. This topic was addressed very briefly when I saw the therapist last year, she felt that my mistrust of other people could be adding to my anxiety. She even suggested doing some real life role play where I would pretend to faint or have a turn on a busy street to see how others would react. That suggestion brought an outburst from my part, tears and cries of "you have GOT to be joking..never!".
As I'm writing this I know that this is a big part of my anxiety, I have just never acknowleged it to myself before. I can't avoid going out, nor do I really want to, I want to get back on track but how the hell do I even start to deal with this?
I need your suggestions guys, thank you.

PS. Forgot to ask, I can't be alone in these type of concerns, can I?