View Full Version : Hi from South Tyneside

05-10-08, 21:32
Hi! I stumbled upon this site while googling IBS symptoms. I was diagnosed with it about 12 years ago but recently its really flared up. Stress!
Anyway a little intro. I,m 41 and married for the 2nd time with 2 teenage kids of my own and 2 teenage stepsons from my present marriage.
I have suffered severe anxiety for years, long bouts of depression and I,m also a recovering alcoholic having had my last drink nearly 21 months ago. I have got sober with the help of A.A and the wonderful 12 step programme the fellowship uses.
I still suffer from terrible panic attacks, I,m an insomniac and I worry endlessly. Every anxiety related symptom you get I have had or still suffer from.
I was a member of NOPANIC a few years ago having been given details from my cpn but lost touch with many friends and stopped doing all the coping techniques I had learnt when my first marriage ended. Then I found what I thought was the cure to all my symptoms, alcohol. For years all the symptoms I suffered were masked by the drink but now I,ve sobered up I see that they are all still there.
I have a great bunch of friends within AA but I sometimes feel they dont have the same fears and anxieties as me.
I,ve found this site and have refreshed my mind as to the coping mechanisms and strategies and wish to make friends and feel secure in the knowledge I,m not alone with my head.
Debs :D

06-10-08, 01:28
Hi Debra - welcome to NMP :welcome:

You'll find lots of great support and advice here. Welcome aboard.

Veronica H
06-10-08, 08:59
hi Debs
Glad you have found us. You will make new friends and find comfort and support here.:)


06-10-08, 11:13
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

06-10-08, 12:14

:welcome: to nmp

jodie x

milly jones
06-10-08, 18:50
welcome to no more panic

good to meet you

milly xx

06-10-08, 18:52
Aww Debs,

Welcome!! Hope we can help you out. You are among friends here, that is for sure!

09-10-08, 14:58
Hi Debra,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,
