View Full Version : not sleeping

05-10-08, 22:20
i am feeling really fed up and feel like the last few weeks have been years , when i go to bed i usually manage to get to sleep but around 1 to 3 am i am waking up feeling anxious sometimes i jolt and this wakes me up with a racing heart beat but dont really know what feel anxiuos about just loads and loads of thoughts running round my head ,

also have this awful buzzing tingling feeling arms legs face worse when tired

been finding this really difficuit to live with , just want to be better ,get cross that i have to think of ways of distraction all day t o stop myself from panicking find this so tiring and would just love to get through a day without feeling like this such a struggle

i am going to see my boss on tues morning to discuss going back to work which really frightens me how will i ever get through a day at work

i feel like i am just going through the motions for the kids they keep me going i suppose

went to shopping centre today felt disorientated , as if was nt part of it like wtching everyone get on with their hustle and bustle felt confused .

lastly another symptom to ask people about , does any one feel the cold more , iget like a ccold surge /sensation throughout my body and shivers / goosebumps ,

06-10-08, 06:09
i am feeling really fed up and feel like the last few weeks have been years , when i go to bed i usually manage to get to sleep but around 1 to 3 am i am waking up feeling anxious sometimes i jolt and this wakes me up with a racing heart beat but dont really know what feel anxiuos about just loads and loads of thoughts running round my head ,

also have this awful buzzing tingling feeling arms legs face worse when tired

been finding this really difficuit to live with , just want to be better ,get cross that i have to think of ways of distraction all day t o stop myself from panicking find this so tiring and would just love to get through a day without feeling like this such a struggle

i am going to see my boss on tues morning to discuss going back to work which really frightens me how will i ever get through a day at work

i feel like i am just going through the motions for the kids they keep me going i suppose

went to shopping centre today felt disorientated , as if was nt part of it like wtching everyone get on with their hustle and bustle felt confused .

lastly another symptom to ask people about , does any one feel the cold more , iget like a ccold surge /sensation throughout my body and shivers / goosebumps ,

Can I ask if you are over 45?

06-10-08, 13:01
no i am 35 this sat , did you wonder if this is hormonal/ menopausal i do have PCOS and irregular periods